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Member Since:Dec 16, 2000
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Serial entrepruner. Computers have always fascinated me. It helps me bring out my creativity and the things that technology can do to our lives amazes me. I hope we can use technology to improve life around us. I like kids especially small kids because what you see or hear is what they are thinking. I like the honesty in kids. I run a portal with my wife http://www.recipemix.com. Computers, internet, seafood, sports, technology.
About Me
Education: BE (Comp)
Food and Drinks: Seafood & VodkaBooks: Godfather, Maximum CityMovies: Forest Gump, Jane bhi do yaaroT.V. Shows: Comedy Challenge, Friends, Seinfield, RaymondMusic: Soft, Melodies
Food and Drinks: Seafood & Vodka
Books: Godfather, Maximum City
Movies: Forest Gump, Jane bhi do yaaro
T.V. Shows: Comedy Challenge, Friends, Seinfield, Raymond
Music: Soft, Melodies
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Delicious sea food Malvani/Konkan style
Reviewed Konkan Swad - Bhandup - Mumbai
If you like seafood this is a great place. Excellent fish and prawns. The pompfret rawa fry is excellent. Malvani coastal style. Prawns masala is awesome. YouRead more...
Good decor, food and service not great
Reviewed Jewel Of India - Worli - Mumbai
Good decor. Ambience is nice except that its too noisy and people visiting this place are really loud. Food not great at all for a place like this. The food yRead more...
Romance and reality check
Reviewed Saathiya
Sathiya is a well made romantic movie(after a long time). The story of Sathiya is so real and different you can relate to it. The director has done a good jobRead more...
Excellent reporting tool
Reviewed Crystal Reports 8
Crystal Reports is an excellent reporting tool. Crystal has been around for a long time. Without getting too technical here is the list of pros and cons ProsRead more...
Poor service, not focused on customer
Reviewed HSBC - Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corporation
I have banked with Hong Kong Bank and I dont have a good experience with them. I first opened an NRI account with them in 1996. That was the time when IRead more...
Good thriller and suspense
Reviewed The Bourne Identity
This is a good suspense thriller based on a book by Robert Ludlum. The star of the movie Matt Damon who is near death is saved in the ocean by fishermen. WhenRead more...
Best Indian Chinese ever
Reviewed Eddie's Kitchen - Camp - Pune
This restaurant was our favorite joint during my college days. Here I have eaten the best Indian Chinese ever. This place cannot accomodate too many people whRead more...
Good food, busy place
Reviewed Bharat Cafe - Ghatkopar - Mumbai
This vegetarian restaurant has been around for ages in Ghatkopar. Its located right opposite the railway station and that is why it is a very busy place. It cRead more...
Humne dekha tum na dekho
Reviewed Na Tum Jano Na Hum
This is a pathetic movie. The script & story line is miserable. I just went to see the movie because of Hrithik and even he couldnt save the movie. Its Read more...
Slow boring movie
Reviewed The Mexican
I must admit I just saw this movie because of Julia Roberts. This movie has two of the hottest stars Brad Pitt and Julia Roberts. The movie is so slow. The plRead more...
Voice of Indian IT industry
Reviewed Nasscom
NASSCOM is the voice of the Indian IT industry. It is the association of computer software & services industry. A forum NASSCOM is very much required for profRead more...
Big is not better
Reviewed Bank Of America
Im a Bank of America customer not by choice but by the recent merger of Nationsbank with Bank of America. They are a big bank alright but Im not sRead more...
Reviewed Maine
Like the Vacationland slogan on the car number plates in Maine vehicles suggests it is a nice vacation land in north east US or New EnRead more...
Movies - this is as good as it gets
Reviewed As Good As It Gets
This movie is about three people having very different and sometimes weird personalities. How their lives cross each other. One character is an obsessive writRead more...
Hilarious comedy movie
Reviewed Hera Pheri Old Bollywood
This movie did not do too well in the box office but it is a hilarious comedy movie. Its about two people who are trying to be successful individuals in theirRead more...
Coolest media portal
Reviewed Doordarshan.Now
If you havent seen Doordarshans website yet, you are missing the coolest media portal in the internet. Ive been an internet surfer for a lonRead more...
Good site for job seekers and employers
Reviewed Hitechclub
HitechClub is a good service for job seekers. You can post your profile and infact post your entire resume as a document. You can search for jobs. Apart from Read more...
Best engg college for technology in India
Reviewed Pune Institute of Computer Technology.-Pune
This is the best computer engg college in India. I would rate them higher than even the IITs. PICT is the first college in India which introduced a branch calRead more...
Hilarious Comedy
Reviewed Meet The Parents
This movie is just hilarious. The story is about a guy who goes to his girl friends parents house to impress her parents and then propose marriage to hiRead more...
Cute movie
Reviewed Chocolat - Hollywood
Chocolat (pronounced as Sho-co-laat) is a cute movie set in a small French village. It is a very quiet conservative and religious little village with a very uRead more...
Beware of Halden Luxury / Belts Scam
Reviewed Haldenluxury
I want to share my experience with Halden Luxury, an online brand claiming to offer premium belts and leather accessories for men. Despite their luxurious braRead more...
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Very Useful review
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Is this a 3G phone? Anyone? More reviews please add
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Uree Sted (@lizzy123MouthShut Verified Member)
Esar Seth (@rajeshnarenMouthShut Verified Member)
Esecalet Onretwer (@sid_131MouthShut Verified Member)
Elnete Coinur (@doowopman50MouthShut Verified Member)
Nese Ecenve (@cdacpenguinMouthShut Verified Member)
Sted Atsior (@ssahu_143MouthShut Verified Member)
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Eefise Cety (@ayushbadheraMouthShut Verified Member)
Racoas Rose (@yamanjainMouthShut Verified Member)
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Asuronur Reroer (@james07am07MouthShut Verified Member)
Theane Elte (@aanandcmMouthShut Verified Member)
Econes Ioceth (@harry_b23MouthShut Verified Member)
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Iort Eter (@ramiszaroMouthShut Verified Member)
Vefiesis Nevest (@rohitd846MouthShut Verified Member)
Anrirt Isried (@binayMouthShut Verified Member)
Cele Fone (@ichimeMouthShut Verified Member)
Tisire Inecee (@MalliktanveerMouthShut Verified Member)
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Publicly Anonymous (@CilemaSnobMouthShut Verified Member)
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raghu rao (@raghuraoMouthShut Verified Member)
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Kajol Malik (@jhummaMouthShut Verified Member)
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Jasmine Sheikh (@maaluMouthShut Verified Member)
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Leah Dombrowski (@meleahk1MouthShut Verified Member)
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Nikhil Rao (@cuchillo99MouthShut Verified Member)
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Neetu Puthran (@NeetuMouthShut Verified Member)
Dharma rao (@VenchasaMouthShut Verified Member)
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Anita Babu (@anitaMouthShut Verified Member)
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Penny Holder (@pholdermomof3MouthShut Verified Member)
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Sundeep K (@sundeepMouthShut Verified Member)
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Neeraj Grover (@grover_neerajMouthShut Verified Member)
Carol Svamvour (@wildcitywomanMouthShut Verified Member)
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Vineet Chopra (@the_firestarterMouthShut Verified Member)
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Rose Aldrich (@rosie6349MouthShut Verified Member)
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Priya Thangasamy (@peteMouthShut Verified Member)
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lora (@loraMouthShut Verified Member)
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Kishore K (@kishoreMouthShut Verified Member)
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Craig Taylor (@fatrat2001MouthShut Verified Member)
Reviews: 33
Seeni Sikkandhar (@stsikkandharMouthShut Verified Member)
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Raja Rathinam Godspeed (@rajachikkiMouthShut Verified Member)
Rajendra K. Gupta (@cityjuMouthShut Verified Member)
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Anjali Gala (@singhasmithanjaliMouthShut Verified Member)
Rayan_Johnson (@rayan_johnson880MouthShut Verified Member)
Aakriti Thakur (@HealthiansMouthShut Verified Member)
Nita Bonde (@nitabhirudMouthShut Verified Member)
Unknown K (@mainkonhuMouthShut Verified Member)
Rahul bhanker (@Rahul48868548MouthShut Verified Member)
Satish A (@iamSatishMouthShut Verified Member)
JaswantB415 (@JaswantB415MouthShut Verified Member)
Arkay (@RxonlineMouthShut Verified Member)
Reviews: 28
Abhishek2019 (@Abhishek2019MouthShut Verified Member)
Reviews: 14
S Saran (@trozorroMouthShut Verified Member)
Ashu Tosh Kumar (@ASHUkr2063MouthShut Verified Member)
Reviews: 53
Hari Prasad (@rachahariprasad144MouthShut Verified Member)
Manish Singh (@Manish199MouthShut Verified Member)
Gaurav Khurana (@gaurav1351MouthShut Verified Member)
Reviews: 5
Soha Elbadry (@sohaelbadry25MouthShut Verified Member)
Chandrashekhar Thakur (@thakurck2008MouthShut Verified Member)