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Member Since:Dec 07, 2005
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Transparency Mr.Pawar.
Reviewed Saurav Ganguly
Sourav Ganguly. The name strikes anger in some peoples eyes, happiness in other. It strikes fear to some bowlers, while as a victim to others. The quesRead more...
This is not United
Reviewed Manchester United Football Team
I BET you somewhere out there, an old joke has resurfaced. It goes something like this: How many Manchester United players does it take to change a light buRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on mesmerised's review
Rated on hiran_chakkolil's review
Rated on the_bush_views's review
Rated on aannkit's review
Commented on hey_listen_to_me's review
I absolutely agree with mesmerised.And as for u hey_listen_to_me,the long and short of ur story is u hate Sourav,that's fine.But u shud judge the situation in the light of its own and not some bias of ur's.
Rated on hey_listen_to_me's review
Commented on johny_bravvo's review
This is exactly what is going to repeat again and again......the only thing remains to be seen is WHO'S NEXT?
Rated on Rami_v's review
Commented on Rami_v's review
Guys hold on a minute,who are we to decide whether Ganguly should retire or not?He is the one and only man who has the right to decide.And about dropping him from the team....I ask how come Gambhir is still in the team?Jaffer is a opener not a middle order batsman....moreover after Sehwag's return w Read More...
Commented on logingirls's review
Excellent review.I liked point no 5 especially.It was bound to happen as 3 out of 5 selectors have never ever played a single international Test match.What else can anybody expect from them?
Commented on own review
Hey Kiran!I think you are a bsolutely right.BCCI people must read this and understand what blunder they have done.It is just a matter of time before they(read selectors) axe Tendulkar on some shoddy grounds.......
This is the reply to 'SurpriseMeWithYou' comments. Read ur comments http://www.mouthshut.com/user/SurpriseMeWithYou.html 'Why should Sourav hang around and get disgraced further? What the **** is he thinking? My appeal to Sourav is to please hang your boots and be concerned for India anymore. Read More...
Commented on SurpriseMeWithYou's review
Hey read ur review.........was as bad and anti sourav as it can ever get but never mind here's a compliment to u 'well written'.Dude u got know what u r writting,I'm reffering to 'Indians should never make a white man wait', 'We all must respect the white skin'......what on earth do u mean by those Read More...
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