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Member Since:Sep 07, 2003
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Finding Nemo - A Visual Delight
Reviewed Finding Nemo
Walt Disney and Pixar Studios present this heart warming tale of love, courage and compassion as always in there inimitable art of weaving colorful charactersRead more...
Reviewed Sony CRX-175A CD-RW
Sony has long been in the Electronics segment. Whatever it touches turns Gold. This seems to be true at least in its foray in the Computer peripherals sRead more...
Ecks Vs. Sever (eeeks! this reeks)
Reviewed Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever
Warning: This is a very critical review of Ecks vs Sever. If you have already purchased tickets to this movie or have bought a VCD/Tape then avoid reading thiRead more...
Karizma - Burning the Roads & Indian Pockets
Reviewed Hero Honda Karizma
Hi, In my earlier review on TVS Fiero F2, I forgot to mention that Hero Honda Karizma was also one of the candidates in my consideration for a new bike. RathRead more...
TVS Fiero F2 - A Class Above
Reviewed TVS Suzuki Fiero F2
Hi, I have been using Fiero F2 for the past 6 months. I did a full weeks research before I zeroed in on F2. In my comparison list were CBZ, Pulsar 150,Read more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on aasankpal's review
Rated on pradeeplrao's review
Commented on own review
LowOiL, Thanks for reading and commenting. There is absolutely nothing frightening in the movie, may be, except for a couple of scenes where the bad shark chases the fishes away. I found the shark to be the best character.
makesurlife & vrushalk, thanks for reading and suggesting. I purposefully keep my reviews short and simple. I like it that way. And this particular movie was so simple that I was automatically forced to keep a simple, elegant perspective on it. I just did not want to complicate it with any tech- Read More...
Rated on makesurlife's review
Commented on Cindy's review
Hi, that was a good rev - a truly heart felt rev in fact. Finding Nemo is cute, colorful and well...heart warming. Keep writing. Visit my revs if you can. Cheers
Rated on Cindy's review
Rated on glickman's review
Rated on ryder's review
Rated on ferozmkazi's review
Commented on ferozmkazi's review
Your review is an example of what can happen if a service center is having poor quality standards. Your problems with the bike seem to be service center induced.
Rated on ownerofazkaban's review
Commented on maheshk_s2002's review
F2 is far better than a CBZ or Pulsar. As for danishmeer your own sentence 'hum to doobe hain....' fits you aptly. Read indiabike.com 2003. All your links for 2002 are dusty. F2 is the latest and it is in. Read my review on F2 at http://www.mouthshut.com /readreview/44436-1.html
Rated on bikerider's review
Rated on enticer_man's review
Commented on enticer_man's review
Hi m8, Thanks for the AD. I almost felt like I was reading a Hero Honda Karizma brochure. The name Karizma is as silly as the design. I am sure that this bike will not sell and will be thrown out within the coming 6 months.
Rated on hanzyrulez's review
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