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Member Since:Sep 22, 2004
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Education: MBA
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Outsourcing - The Real Concept Behind an Industry
Reviewed General Views on Call Centers
Outsourcing: Sourcing out non-core functionalities of an organization to service providers who specialize in the segment is outsourcing. This concept is so Read more...
Good entry level model
Reviewed Sony Ericsson K500i
K500i is an entry level phone targeted at new mobile purchasers who need a good color display, well functioning cam and yes the name. Sony has always taken tRead more...
The best in the market
Reviewed Sony Ericsson K750I
I have been a SE fan not only for the name but for the features too. SE is known for its revolutionary phones from the lightest to the tech loaded. The K750i Read more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Commented on sathyaksharan.m.b's review
what is the fuel eco and other maintenance costs on that car?
Commented on Purestringz's review
what is the fuel consumption of the 1.1 ? Im assuming you bought that 1.1 SL. I need your thoughts as im considering the palio to replace my petrol indica! and how have the maintenance costs been so far? spare parts?
Followed vandana.s
Rated on amrita's review
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Followed angel25 , nithi_s , chand_tare , teena_sri , lallupanju
Commented on own review
not all have the customer satisfaction an isssue, cuz the reps have begun a new satisfaction scale put across to the client before hanging up. So customer centers have begun looking at customer satisfaction as a main stream of service.
hey well its understandable as Microsoft will not have names and addresses of ppl who purshase unless its a corporate account and all the customer support need is to have the knowledge to sort the tech difficulties out.
hey amar, Thanks for the response. This again is a positive aspect of another specialised service provider to create a change menagement process. The BPO industry has cons only until a solution is created as result of idetifying the opportunity lying benath the problem.
Followed before-I-say , arundhati90
Followed Paulomi79 , krazy4sonu
thanks.- why I like the phone - added that to the review. please check
I am a pretty text message freak. Ive lost count of the Sms I send in a day. The Keypad is not soft as it might seem. It sturdy enough to type when being held in one hand and not strain the fingers(which is more important)
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