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Member Since:Sep 10, 2006
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Education: B. Tech
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Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on parrykullu's review
I am a bit confused with the maturity benefit of jeevan mitra (triple life cover). Say you made a policy of 100000 @ age 35. ur yearly premium is 5,453 . say polcy term is 25 yr. so u paid total 136325. But when it matures at 25th yr. u get back only 100000 (considering NO BONUS) now there cannot be Read More...
Commented on shyamfortata's review
Hi shyam I understand your dilema. but on a lighter note, please dont go for maruti's. The reason being the zen estilo that someone is so ecstatic about is a dumped product bu the japanese;. Its like the 2nd hand shirt that the japs have thrown to the indians and we are boot licking their 2nd hand Read More...
Commented on giri03's review
Your post has been too good. Now other than receiving the suspension problem, do you envisage that the mileage in the car has drastically improved ? do you feel that the car has enough power inspite of gettung tonned down to 1.2L ? please share some thoughts regarding power and mileage.
Commented on Ajay_1977's review
Hi kraa Having given positive feedback to everything , when it comes to reliability , what are the specific reasons that you rate it negative. Your review has been too vague with no substantial logic. in fact u getting a mileage of 12 is superb but still I fail to understand , having got such a goo Read More...
Commented on Praf's review
I have sent you a mail in the TCS id. probably you havent picked up yet
good to know that you also in TCS. I am also in TCS. but in a different branck.. kolkata. I have also mailed to tata motors regarding the dealer experience. actually its no fault of tata motors . moreover, i didnt see in our newsletter regarding the 1200 cc engines. did you ?
Commented on atulsoni's review
Hi atul, I am a TATA employee myself. After I read the same news in Rediff.com (probably that is also ur source), I have scrambled thru my TATA intranet and have also had a word accross TATA group. right now, what is the media is doing is pure speculation and rumours. Please do not go by these rumo Read More...
Commented on supergps's review
Hi supergps.. the weekend is coming to an end. and u hadpromised to upload the pics of ur XETA !!!! I am still eagerly waiting for your XETA pics on this forum
Commented on durgavijay's review
dear friend, I have been through this debate long ago. Alto has only thing to its point i.e. mileage. which is quite obvious becoz of its small engine 800 c.c. But see the cost factor... an alto LXi will cost you nearly 3.5 Lakhs whereas the XETA(GLG high end) is almost near to the price. moreover, Read More...
Commented on mehrotravivek's review
Hi vivek Nice to see ur review back.. and now its even better !!!
supergps, you will get to see lots of reviews and knowledge on tubeless. go to this URL http://www.team-bhp.com/forum/tyre-alloy-wheel-section/1648-tubeless-tyres.html
Commented on rajeshrajpal's review
Hi... Congrats to you on your XETA. Could you please upload ur XETA pics on the forum to have a glimpse of the queen ?
Rated on rajeshrajpal's review
Hi supergps, I missed out one more query.. Did you fit alloy wheels or tubeless radials ? or yu are carring on with the steel rims and tube tyres as given by TATA motors
Thanks a lot , supergps. I would be eagerly waiting for your pics to appear here in this forum.
Followed supergps
Hi dude, Welcome to the group of proud owners of XETA. And you have done a fantastic review as well. This week I am planning to book the XETA. and you know what... I am thinking of the same colour as of you.. GREEN GLG !!!! plz plz do me a favour... Could you please upload ur XETA pics on this foru Read More...
Rated on supergps's review
Commented on thinkuse's review
Hi, Your reviews, I find, are best-in-class be it the XETA, be it this. Supreo, I am all in praise of your clear conceptions on things like this. Supreo, please help me once more. My dealer says, that you go for alloy wheels but not tubeless radials on XETA. Hence he suggests alloy wheels + TUBE rad Read More...
Rated on spkmouthshut's review
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Khushi Gupta (@keg7060MouthShut Verified Member)
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Ma Ma (@mma475913MouthShut Verified Member)
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