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Member Since:Mar 01, 2005
0 MS Points
Well, i am an electronics and communication engineering student in NIT. Loves sports and games, also played disctrict level cricket. Medium physique, 6 ft tall. NEthing else you want know, ask me. Thank You. . Interests in mainly Computers, Science Fiction, Electronics, all kinds of sports, games, music and many more, and more, any thing, thrilling...!
About Me
Education: Engineering
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Enfield Lightening - Are U game ?
Reviewed Royal Enfield Lightning 535
ENFIELD LIGHTNING-THE POWER MACHINE Although I am a little late in writing the review because the company has discontinued production of this particular modeRead more...
Sania Mirza - A 'Tennis' Sensation?
Reviewed Sania Mirza
Sania Mirza – A ‘Tennis’ Sensation ? I have been waiting for a chance to write a frank review on Sania Mirza, and I have got the time now, Read more...
Reviewed Nokia N-Gage QD
N-GAGE QD – THE ULTIMATE GAMING MACHINE Though this concept of games being included along with mobiles reaches back to years ago, the ultimate 3-d gamiRead more...
Elegance : Nokia 6670
Reviewed Nokia 6670
ELEGANCE : Nokia 6670 How should I describe this phone, elegant, powerful, highly useful, I think I would rather call it the All in All phoneRead more...
Dilemma : Pulsar 150 DTSi or Unicorn ?
Reviewed Bajaj Pulsar
Everyone wanting to buy a new bike nowadays have in majority, in their minds, 4 recommendations. They want style, power and mileage/average, and affordabilityRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on Jiljith's review
i too felt that you have undeniably under rated this bike using acrimonious terms which were too far fetched. This bike beats R15 inside out...and talking about taking the crown away ? Are you kidding me ? R15 did that ? like how ?
Commented on uc007's review
Well, i did enjoy your style of writing, but the whole point of giving the story away ?? We just asked for your review man...!! hey , just kidding buddy :) The original concept of Babel was new to me...thanks for enlighting this point... But frankly i couldn't accept to the fact that this movie Read More...
Rated on uc007's review
Commented on libin_manit's review
eda pullleee........:) nee enthinaada veruthe ? ? cheers ACM
Rated on libin_manit's review
Commented on whoru_forme's review
All this drama, insane really, and here in India we've got people to watch it and enjoy it. Let me give some facts, i wouldnt agree calling this a Reality show, its got all the storyline above all, well, thats the truth. The whole point of a reality show, dumped....its all good for nothing political Read More...
Rated on whoru_forme's review
Commented on sonata_jeeta's review
Okay, since u have admitted the facts contained in your review are not 100% accurate, its ok. One major mistake in your knowledge is about the mileage. Diesel gives better mileage than petrol cars...ok...and there are many others that i wud like to point, but its ok..u can contact me or neone else i Read More...
Commented on sharath_48105's review
I agree with what you have tried to reveal in your review. Its an absolute non-sense programme, not because of what they do, but how they try to do, whaever those bunch of girls are trying to do. Although this soap was awarded as the best soap beating Friends....i just cant find one thing, that woul Read More...
Rated on sharath_48105's review
Commented on nani.technology's review
nice revu man, you have just explained what is needed...! perfect cheeers, keep writing, ROYAL ENFIELD rules.... ACM(anoopcm33)
Commented on bajajpulsar's review
change the way you look at bikes dude... cheers, keep writing...UNBIASED stuff ACM
Rated on NetSavvy's review
Commented on shady_arnas's review
how are u comparing it with a pulsar man ? ? strange revu, a Pulsar beats ambition in all sorts man, think about it...the new Pulsar is giving me around 60 kms/lit practically, believe it or not !! cheers ! ACM
Commented on smuss's review
when did the bullet start giving 75kms/litre ? ? ?? as u have mentioned at the end of revu ? ? ? take a look... thx cheers! do keep writin on MS ACM
Rated on smuss's review
Rated on enticer_man's review
Commented on enticer_man's review
seriously, this bike is all full of faults, u want to know what are the faults, just mail me, i wil ltell you because i cant type all of them here, its better to write a revu rather, thx Acm
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