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Member Since:Oct 24, 2006
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'Fair' review of CBZ XTREME on speedmasti.com
Reviewed Tips on a Dream Bike
CBZ has undoubtedly been a trend setter in Indian bike industry. It was the first 150cc Performance bike that was well accepted by the mass. The success of CBRead more...
Unicorn : The Best
Reviewed Honda Unicorn 150 cc
I purchased Unicorn in Dec2005 after a long research, honestly I found Mouthshut reviews on Unicorn very useful in narrowing down on Unicorn (many thanks to aRead more...
Worst decision of my life
Reviewed Stownest
PLEASE READ TILL END.. THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS.... Absolutely worthless. Opt for this service if you want to get your hard earned furnitures return to you in damaRead more...
Commented on huntbangalore's review
Congrats ! Hunk is taking too much time to become No. 1 in midst of hype created by Pulsars. Hey tell me which is most interesting place under heegu hunte serial you have seen so far ?
Rated on huntbangalore's review
Commented on madymos's review
It seems in 2002/2003 time Ajit issued so called shares to many employees it seems Ajay was mastermind behind this brain washing technique. The shares were given to ’top performing’ employees to extract even more work and then they kept on lying that Quest will become PUBLIC soon, employees found Read More...
Rated on UncleSAM's review
Rated on Samrat_kumardas's review
Rated on vijoeyz's review
Commented on vijoeyz's review
A.r.s.e h.o.l.e go and test car and then decide
Rated on pavan722's review
Commented on pavan722's review
Get a life dude !! You don't even own this car, drove some used car & wrote a review, BTW lorry was a huge exaggeration !! RITZ is segment best car, you wrote this review to reduce percentage recommendation !!
Madymos, You are right there are more ex-questians than questians ! @guru : FYI, My cousin worked for quest, I am not into engineering at all, so I will ignore your m2m.
Rated on madymos's review
Commented on Guru_infy's review
Ajit is good CEO if the company was 4000+ happy employees, right now what Ajit has done ? 1. 100's of ex-employees who were laid off will be praying for his death. 2. 100's of present employees are not happy with systems in place 3. Every week dozens are packing off b'cos of stinking AURA of A Read More...
Commented on ajit_prabhu's review
One prodigy by name Praven Gawrav was instrumental in getting most of the turbo-machinery jobs from GE, he also built Quest from 10 to about 700 over 6 years, he got many other businesses. Quest started it’s journey b’cos of ’Praven’ factor. As the saying goes good things should come to an end, in a Read More...
Commented on stressfatigue's review
I heard that his company is full of cheats
Rated on stressfatigue's review
Rated on chandy732's review
Commented on chandy732's review
please write something that can be understood, I didn't understand anything...
Rated on Tuttu22's review
Commented on Tuttu22's review
Apache came with so much of fanfare, everyone read about red-indians and courage of Apache tribes...the bike turned out to be absolute dud !! TVS did nothing but copied Fiero Engine, even that they did badly.
Rated on shamanthnv's review
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