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Member Since:Sep 03, 2005
0 MS Points
If my interests gave you an impression that I am a bit of a wacko then Bingo !! But ladies and gentlemen I hasten to add that its only ''a bit'' of me.I firmly believe that it does not pay to be too serious about life .All that pays you is your job and that you HAVE to be serious about.Oh and getting back to ''about me'' well I have 10 fingers ,2 eyes and a Masters in Rocket Science(and no I was not involved in the Columbia program).I appreciate honesty and humanity and if you have some of both then alls well in life.I like this portal because it gives a face and a voice to the common man so I think thats cool . prost!! . Travel,Reading,Charcoal Portraits,Calvin and Hobbes,Wishing (I do that a LOT, how I wish I did not..oops here I go again!),Holding a toy car and pretending Im a giant lol,Anything with an iota of wit or humour in it.
About Me
Education: BE
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Mr.Kunal Kohli,what were you thinking?
Reviewed Fanaa
The much anticipated movie of the year , hype and hooplah galore, throw in some political controversies that grab headlines, good music,stellar starcast,big bRead more...
The unanswered ''K''uestions
Reviewed Serials produced by Ekta Kapoor
Love it or loathe it but Ektaa kapoors sagas assault our senses every weekday for a couple of hours . I honestly admit I am no big fan and neither do I intendRead more...
A Simpler Time
Reviewed Changing Face of Indian Television
Long back when the concept of cable television did not intrude into our country and our lives life was much simpler.I was in school back then in a small town Read more...
The day my feet touched USA
Reviewed North Carolina
On a hot , humid night in March I found myself standing in a winding and never ending immigration queue at the Anna International airport in Chennai. I half Read more...
Amelie- Yeah ! I could be her
Reviewed Amelie - English
First , let me get a perspective on why I am writing this.I have never ever reviewed a movie by writing about it and I dont plan to either. But I am compelledRead more...
Drowning in the Lake would be a better experience
Reviewed Hotel Lakeview - Ooty
When I read some of the reviews posted on this place I just get one thought going through my head - why the name of God did not not read about thiRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on criminal's review
Rated on walking_dude's review
Rated on risingstarj0hn's review
Commented on subhanjan7's review
I have been through the same nightmare and I can totally understand your situation.Thier service is pathetic.when I faced a similar situation of non connectivity I wrote to thier customer care (a really bad mail) and also threatened to take them to court.That did it , they restored my conn in 3 days Read More...
Rated on stutigupta's review
Commented on stutigupta's review
Nice to see another Calvin and Hobbes devotee.My fav pearl of calvinesque wisdom goes thus .. 'Life's disappointments are harder to take when you don't know any swear words'.how poignant is that? :o) Read on ...Cheers !!
Rated on yehmerizindagi's review
Rated on doublea's review
Rated on sanjay_18's review
Rated on RAGHUBHAI's review
Followed criminal
Rated on surfer's review
Commented on flowerchild's review
I saw the movie on DVD and I liked the way Ms.Jolie portrayed Gia,I personally did not care for Jolie but this movie and Girl Interrupted changed my mind.Your review was good and I liked your review of Friends as well.Keep up the good work!
Rated on flowerchild's review
Rated on Sparsh's review
Commented on own review
I totally agree with you , old is sure fire gold! Thanks for your comments.
Pleasant surprise to know that I have a partner on the same plane of interest.You have great reviews and all these words comming from greats is a great encouragement! Thanks !! ps: who is Artemis Fowl and why has she borrowed my name ;o) ?
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