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Member Since:Jul 23, 2004
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Go get it
Reviewed LG Optimus One P500
I bought this phone 2 months back for 9.5k and since then I am addicted to it, yeah its sheer addiction. Android - To start with Android 2.2.2, this OS rockRead more...
Awesome Music and very handy...
Reviewed Sony Ericsson W810i
I have purchased this phone on or around 11 July 07, till then I am using this phoneI earlier used SE J230i for around 6 months and then I switched over to thRead more...
Reviewed Sony Ericsson J230i
Purchased this phone around 7 - 8 months back. I think this is a best time to write a review. After losing my Motorola C118, cute B&W phone, I visited the shRead more...
Reviewed Bajaj Platina 100
I am from Mumbai, after planning for 3 odd years due to some constraints, finally I decided to go for a bike and that too Hamara Bajaj, despite of various revRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Commented on own review
yes, i too found some dust on the screen...but that does not make a difference to me..may be its a manufacturing defect...i am enjoying my phone... @ punit - i am not a lg person, you better stick to nokia mentality..do not try to think out of the box and just follow the crowds... @ sandes Read More...
Rated on KinKin's review
Commented on KinKin's review
Dear Kinkin, your calculation overall is good, but then people start knitpicking on each aspects. the review has to be read as a whole and to gather whether at the end are you benefiting from it. Ultimately, the conclusion is that after paying huge amounts, you are actually not benefited, like re Read More...
Commented on sandeepxabraham's review
from what i gather that this car is not used but abused....2 years 40,000 kms...
Commented on sharukhbamboat's review
congrats for the review of the day....has any used its push email function, whether it works properly or not..
Commented on siims's review
relating to speedometer in the centre, since driving vista, i didn't find any problem, in fact the view is much more better. Also it is just a matter of getting used to it and it does not affect yours or your cars performance.
Commented on abcd918's review
I think you are following the best mileage chart, where they have suggested change of 1st gear at 10. If you follow, this, by the time you change gear, the speed is near 7-8 and then our Vista take really long time to gain momentum in second gear. Offlately, i have observed the same thing, so Read More...
Commented on Shak_1974's review
the mileage figure for Vista Petrol on highways is correct, you can easily get 15-16 KMPl with full a/c on during the entire highway stretch. I am too getting the same, but in city without a/c. i am getting around 10-11. Since i have clocked only 3000 kms, i hope to increase gradually. If you Read More...
Commented on prksh1's review
i think, that's why nano has been built for people to upgrade from two wheeler.. all your cons are too personal...which may not affect the use. stop using harse words..and it has all qualities of a good car, i.e. accelaration, brakes, a/c. as you said it I own vista and trust me, central s Read More...
Commented on harshar23's review
battery is bad..touch screen not reliable In 3rd month,, touch screen stopped working..got it rectified from service centre.. again in 4th month started giving problems... prospective buyers don't buy... this phone comes with good features but all is useless without good quality touch sc Read More...
Commented on nirav_S98's review
have nearly narrowed down on Punto, just if you can clarify the rear seat space.. whether 3 mid size people can sit comfortably. In case u have compared it with swift, does the rear of Punto is wider than swift (interiors) thx
Commented on bkmishra648's review
Mr. Mishra, I have nearly narrowed down on my first love Punto, just need few clarifications - a) Mileage, as i don't care, but i don't want a situation where it gives 8-10, i am ok with 13, considering normal driving b) Space in rear seat - whether 3 normal persons can sit comfortab Read More...
Rated on c_vignesh's review
Rated on Nileshkumarsingh's review
Rated on foli_118's review
Rated on bbdas_dvc's review
Rated on jassu26's review
Commented on muhsinkerala's review
hey..good review... if i am not mistaken, nokia claims upgradable upto 4 gb...so after spending your hard earned money...you should atleast be able use half of their claims, i.e. 2 gb...and no big movies...
Commented on vasu22's review
are you using 2 gb card..? does it have any issue of slowing down...
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