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Member Since:Oct 04, 2007
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Fraudulent Billing, pathetic customer service
Reviewed Matrix Mobile Operator
I was lurched by a TV ad and landed up taking a country specific sim for a 1 month period (March to April) of 2007 on my business trip to USA. The sales lady Read more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on s1982's review
so.. did you go ahead with the purchase? whats been your experience thus far? I am currently looking at a resale apartment in Sobha Rose. Getting a pretty good deal on it. Would you recommend I get the same?
Commented on MRVS's review
Excellent review. Were you happy with the boot space? Doesnt the back look like the old Santro's ?
Rated on MRVS's review
Commented on henryindi's review
how long back did this happen? my issues started a few months after i returned the phone and sim back., when all of a sudden they debited a lot of money from my credit card.
Commented on kku9988's review
I suggest you block the card right away. These ba**** are known to rip your card off to whatever extent they can, long long after you returned the phone and sim back.
Commented on Jai_1581's review
Dude, Look at the 4 other reviews out here on Matrix. I still have to get my Rs.5000 odd charged wrongly against my card (and without a bill). Is the company doing anything about it? You should have some guts to come here and try clearing up Matrix's name. Wonder how such providers are allowed to Read More...
Commented on miaookitty's review
Great! That'll help a lot. The last few charges were not in any bill at all.
Rated on Isha.Chandra's review
Commented on Isha.Chandra's review
hey do you still have the connection going? or have you cancelled it? the fun starts a month after you cancel the connection!! read my review of matrix for more!
BTW is there anyone specific in there who can help me? or is it just the folks at the call center? Thanks for your help!
my amount is around 6200. its not just the amount, its the total misuse of confidential information provided to them., and then the call center having no clue of whats happening anywhere!!
hey did you manage to get the payment reversed? I am stuck with a similar issue.
Rated on miaookitty's review
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