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Member Since:Feb 16, 2005
0 MS Points
Iam a person who is positive and expects nothing from future. I love to be always open minded and straight forward. Roaming with friends, surfing the net, reading books,newspapers, rarely writing poems(tamil)
About Me
Education: B.E.(EEE)
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Suggestions required for getting used car
Reviewed Buying a Second Hand Car
I am from chennai. Our family had a Hyundai Getz(Used Car) which was bought before. Now we sold it for some financial constraints. Currently I am looking to bRead more...
My Journey so far......
Reviewed Royal Enfield Thunderbird Twinspark
Greetings!!! I am Balaji from chennai. This is about my TBTS. Yes I am one of the proud owners of TBTS. Since I thought of letting others know my experience Read more...
Reviewed Yamaha R15
This is balaji. I am from chennai. I am looking to get a new bike. I currently own a Pulsar 180 of 2005 model. THIS IS NOT THE REVIEW OF R-15. I DONT KNOW WHRead more...
The telugu flavoured tamil album
Reviewed Chandramukhi Songs
When I bought the Chandramukhi album , as the other fans of rajni the first thing thatI expected is the TITLE SONG to be atleast equal to BABA. But the FirstRead more...
A Rich Film By AMEER
Reviewed Raam - Tamil
Ameer - He was the first man who showed our surya as a good hero( Let NANDHA be kept aside, as its a director sketch)in his debut venture MOUNAM PESIYATHEY. TRead more...
Want to sleep???
Reviewed Mayavi - Tamil
Hi, this is balaji. Iam an ardent fan of watching movies that provide me a 100% entertainment. But I do watch off-beat films. When I wRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Rated on kirangsch's review
Commented on dinakar555's review
hmmmm... friend, i beg to differ with your view...an i20 base version(ERA) is almost the cost of VDI. If you go for Magnum then you could have very well went for ZDI, which has everything from a to Z. I dont want to compare Swift with i20 as after getting to know about these two cars, the swift well Read More...
Commented on sunboyzz's review
congrats friend. Can you also please let us know about the service and maintenance charges that it takes for each service....
Commented on achinth's review
its very common that ford's diesel is fuel and performance efficient. But the petrol ones are just for performance. The figo even lacks there. You should have bought the fiesta classic 1.6, atleast you could have got satisfied with handling. If small car then its the Maruti-suzuki K-series engine. Read More...
Commented on ganspj's review
hi sridhar, EVen i too have heard of VST from some of my colleagues. My team lead has a tata indica of 2006-07 model. He gives the car service at ECR - COncorde service unit. You may even think of doing the same after this shabby customer service from VST
Commented on sravanev2lx's review
Hi Friend, Congrats for your new buy. Please let us know more about the mileage and the new CR4 engine.
Commented on shaiju143's review
Hi friend, If its only one month then why did you need extended warranty. The initial warranty for a CR4 engine is supposed to be for 2 years or 75000 Kms. You have told that the car is a poor performer...in what ways? What was the mileage you got, what was the top speed you tried? was there any c Read More...
Rated on amitibmbang's review
Commented on amitibmbang's review
hi friend, I am planning to buy this santro eco.. it will be a great favour, if you can let me know if you faced any major issues so far and if you will recommend me to buy this still...
Commented on Rahul181186's review
I own a TBTS 2008 model. So far its 34000 Kms done. In Chennai city traffic, When i drive within the 2000 rpm(5th gear it runs at 55-60 Kmph) it gives me 42. When i drive it at more than 2500 rpm(crosses 65 Kmph) it gives me 40. So far 49 is the best mileage i have got driving at 2000 rpm. But the b Read More...
Commented on sankardevaraj's review
Hi Friend EVen dont go by what others say.. take a test drive... during test drive make sure you drive it in all possible ways you would like to.... This product from bajaj was to target people who need economical 150 but its sad to here that the bike vibrates at 60Kmph...
Rated on eversri's review
Commented on vijayhkokate's review
congrats and all the best for happy driving
Commented on 68bhaskar's review
Whatever ARAI ratings given are for IRDE(1.1) and not for Kappa(1.2)If you have bought an IRDE then you can expect that mileage of 15-16 but not with kappa....
Commented on cherrypatluri's review
Friend, I have TBTS.. and i am at peace. But i have one question here.. why is that you chose the member's recommendation as NO?
Commented on indro1404's review
Thanks for the suggestions friend.
Rated on indro1404's review
Commented on praveen_kumar143's review
I own a TBTS. Its a Nov-2008 model. What do you mean by Power? If you talk about good mileage and pickup... it doesn't happen .... you need to go with some compromise... Bullets are not race horses they are war horses... It will survive for generations but you cannot expect it to do a R15 or pulsar. Read More...
Rated on kumarprc's review
Commented on dbrj20dbrj's review
hey friend, just my suggestion on basis of having a TBTS and once had a pulsar 180. When you plan to buy more than 150 CC, you will have to spend on service. The reason is that the cost of spares used will be surely comparatively higher than the lower CC models. Also fuel efficiency will get a beati Read More...
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