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Member Since:Oct 20, 2012
0 MS Points
nothing different. 1 more dumb on earth ;-|
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Worse customer support, its 2nd case
Reviewed Paytm
EDIT: its updated complaint as I again got a problem with aishwaryasingh23TM. From months I am shopping with aishwaryasingh23TM and no problem happened but iRead more...
Shopclues is a fraud like timtara.com
Reviewed Shopclues
On 23 October 2013, I ordered 3 products from shopclues because the prices were lowest I could find. Product #1 - HDMi-to-VGA converter, shipped by BlueDart Read more...
Terrible service, online tracker never works,
Reviewed Blazeflash Courier
After my first and LAST experience I never tried blazeflash courier again. but my bad luck, after shopping in rajmusical.com. They have sent my item via BlazeRead more...
First experience on sapdeal, (Tablet Penta IS709C
Reviewed Snapdeal
My first experience with snapdeal ( 13Oct 2012 ). bought Android tab Penta IS709C. Tab is awesome. How I rate: I heard bad review from some people on facebooRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Commented on own review
My case was resolved when i managed to contact the higher authority of shopclues. Very next day the case was resolved but not everyone can reach higher authority which i got from linkedin and other networks. This is very disappointing.
Hello Vishnu, I have got my cashback but i will keep rating unchanged because if i didn't complaint my money could have been lost. From a regular users experience it should be considered fraud. You can shop with them but for low amount.
Commented on joshi886's review
Find contacts of higher officials and text them. E.g linkedin profile, emails of CEOs etc on google.
Commented on nizarp's review
Commented on rockingtoni's review
you mistakenly rated this store 4 stars!!!
Rated on madhu2079's review
Rated on debasishoffer's review
Please file a complaint against them in www.core.nic.in. They are frauds
Rated on rockingtoni's review
Commented on varuntruthnlie's review
they are frauds.
Rated on varuntruthnlie's review
Now i can say shopclues is almost a fraud. Its almost 21 days and there is no feedback from them. I have made complaints in core.ni.in and other online customer cells. BEWARE of shopclues and never buy anything without Cash on delivery.
Commented on dimpymis's review
Your bold line emphasizes that someone has called shopclues as CHEATER and your trying to fill it with positive vote denying it being cheater? How they cannot be cheaters? Any survey?
Rated on florenceamal634's review
Followed SujeetRoyIndia
Rated on harshvsingh's review
Rated on inductionstove's review
Commented on own article
They dispatched my item They have dispatched my item via Aramex. Finally my issue is solved. Now i cannot say they are fraud. But service is really bad.
http://www.ehealthmart.in in a FRAUD health store
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