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Member Since:Sep 23, 2004
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Cant fold a shirt?!
Reviewed Pressto - Mumbai
Like almost everything in this country, it started out great.and then started showing its true colours. They dont know how to fold a shirt without crushing oRead more...
At your own risk...
Reviewed EazyDiner
This is a warning to anyone who uses the Eazydiner app to make bookings at bars and restaurants: They make "special offers" but dont give all the details of Read more...
A Beginner's Guide to Home-Theatre.
Reviewed Tips on Buying a Home Theatre
What is home-theatre? At its simplest, a DVD-player connected to a TV. At its most evolved, upto 11 channels of audio powering a multitude of loudspeakers iRead more...
Small is (sometimes) beautiful!
Reviewed Samsung LA26B480
Those who love movies, usually love them LARGE. In other words, the true movie-lover would only be happy in front of a big screen, be that in a cinema or, incRead more...
Vive la difference!
Reviewed Denon DVD 2910
A DVD-player for over half a lac? Just a DVD-player? In the world of high-end home-theatre, that sum is considered mid-priced. But to those who are able (andRead more...
Space and peace....and FABULOUS service!
Reviewed Taj Exotica - Goa
Just returned from a wonderful weekend at the Taj Exotica in Goa. Usually stay at the Fort Aguada but this time thought I would give the otherRead more...
Reviewed Pizza Hut - Centre One Mall - Vashi - Navi Mumbai
FRESHIZZA! the adverts shriek....HORRIZZA is the reality. I have never in my entire life had to wait over an HOUR for a pizza to arrivRead more...
Musical magic!
Reviewed Marantz 6010
Having used this product for a couple of years, I can truly say this amplifier is a BEAUTY.....in every way. Starting with its looks --- a chunky box in a jetRead more...
At your own risk!!
Reviewed Mezzo Mezzo - Juhu - Mumbai
I am APPALLED at the quality of food and service at the Mezzo Mezzo. Any Meditteranean restaurant that cant get garlic bread right, doRead more...
Italian for Unprofessional?
Reviewed Bellissima - Opera House - Mumbai
A recent visit to the Italian restaurant Bellissima was (pardon the pun) a non-starter. While it certainly lives up to its name and isRead more...
Poolside Romance!
Reviewed Pergola - Colaba - Mumbai
Alfresco dining has never really caught on in the restaurants in this city....perhaps because there are so few that offer it! Also, when we Indians go out, weRead more...
Pass to Paradise
Reviewed Kandahar - Nariman Point - Mumbai
?Kandahar? --- the name evokes echoes of mountain-passes, snow-capped peaks, bone-chilling weather?.and meats roasting over slow fires in smoky dhaabas. HoweRead more...
Impressive....but unmoving
Reviewed Evita - Drama & Theatre / Plays
Women in politics --- history has provided many examples proving that the so-called weaker sex is more than a match for its male counterpart, in this arena. Read more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on saurabh789's review
What a horror story! I was planning a trip to the Park Hyatt but this has changed my mind. I think I shall stick to my beloved Taj Fort Aguada!!
Rated on saurabh789's review
Commented on mr.spiceguy's article
whats your budget? To get a GOOD home-theatre system you need to spend a minimum of Rs.50000 for DVD, amplifier/receiver and speaker-system.
home theatre
Rated on abhijeet_basu_pune's review
Commented on ptdatye's review
WHY cant we, in this country, learn to make the most of the incredible opportunities for nature-tourism we have been gifted with? Anywhere else in the (civilised) world, a hotel ’’bang on the beach’’ like MTDC Tarkarli, would be well-maintained and professionally-run, though not necessarily 5-star. Read More...
Rated on ptdatye's review
Commented on kjsimha's review
As a music-lover first and an audiophile by default, I cannot agree more with what kjsimha says. My quest for the (near) perfect sound has taken me all my life and the super-objective in this has ALWAYS been MUSIC --- and more recently, cinema. There is absolutely NO substitute for listening....and Read More...
Commented on zuludancing's review
Hi there bearcub! Thanks for your review....but you havent mentioned Shernaz Patel! I remember meeting her in a rehearsal over 20 years ago before her very first play; and had the unmistakeable feeling of being in the presence of sheer God-given genius. How IS she in the film?
Followed zuludancing
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ShaDaB Mobile Center (@akhtarniaxi99MouthShut Verified Member)
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