Dan is 29 yrs old, a Libran, born and brought up in Chennai and finally settled in the Silicon Valley of India. Dan has a split personality. He is a reserved and silent person within the family. With his friends and colleagues, he is exactly the opposite. Why he is so? Dan is trying to find out.
Dan loves to eat a wide range of foods, but going by his slim looks, people ask him to take good food. This factor puzzles everyone around him, even including his wife.
Dan has travelled to Czech Republic and Spore and has lots of friends in Chennai.
In future, Dan wants to make lots of money and have a luxurious life style. But, how hes going to do this, he doesnt know.
. Nature, Bikes, Cars, Fitness, Computers, Travelling, trekking, picnic, adventure trips, occasional boozing with friends, playing cricket, surfing (Obviously), eating out in restaurants, Stock markets (always been a perplexed observer), anything in banking and insurance domain (being the domain that I am into), International travel, Photography, McDonalds, KFC and alike.