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Member Since:Jan 19, 2005
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Education: under graduate
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Reviewed Ji - Tamil
Ajith has tried altering hair style and costume and looses closely in the attempt of looking like a college student.However he loses pathetically in the attemRead more...
Reviewed Kaadhal
In indian cinema...we rarely make reality based movies. So this is a rare film ,based on a real story (a very normal story in film standards though) and amazRead more...
Thirupachi-a path breaking effort
Reviewed Thirupachi
WhenI went for this movie,I thought that this is a just another Vijay entertainer. But laterI realised that Thirupathci is path breakiRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on milinddesai's review
Not a bad movie... But there are a few things which doesnt make this a good movie.. First, Many websites consistenly say that many of the incidents,charachters were far away from accuracy Second, I almost slept in the middle of the first half of the movie..But ofcourse, a lot of background Read More...
Rated on srininet1's review
Commented on own review
Thanks for your comment! When i said dirty, i didnt mean that it is ugly or unattractive. Please read the last line of my review.I think that wii give the explanation. Thank u.
Commented on rajahindustani's review
That's right.. even i cannot eat an italian pizza as a meal for all days... But still i wont say to my friends....'hey guys dont eat pizza'. If i say..dont eat pizza to some one.. it means that i had a very bad experience with pizzas and i hate it...May be you are thinking that..i am supportting Read More...
hey common man.. then how can you 'doen not recommend ' ar rehman?.. See this is what i was pointing in the previuos comment.. I wont say, that yours is a review...it is more like adebate.. See..it has made the review forum a discussion forum
Raja, can you please explaiin to me the exact point of your review. My last comment was written with a basic assumption that..you are talking about rehman's music. Your review mostly talked about his music. BUt i am confused whether you are tallking about his popularity or music. if populari Read More...
ok... Not to mention the review was pathetic. But i wanted to write about the most disturbing thing , the attitude behind the review i strongly object some of your points...which were not matured at all.. like mentioning about ilayaraaja(I mean the context) in the review. How many songs of hi Read More...
Commented on aanandam's review
A very very optimistic review. keep watching. keep writing! siva
hai mani, i would say that...'ilaya thalapathi' should continue in the old way.Your suggestion is good ...vijay should concentrate on acting.but that is 'mission impossible' for him. let him continue in his style and save people.
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