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Member Since:Apr 20, 2004
0 MS Points
I work for a large Software company and have been travelling on work all over the world. Decided to come back to India for good. I just started using this portal and I like it so far. I dont believe in pushing my opinions on others but say what has or has not worked for me. . Travelling, Photography, Spending time with family and Social service.
About Me
Education: MS
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Clark's Table !
Reviewed Dr. Spock's Baby and Child Care - Benjamin Spock
Just wanted to share my experiences with everybody and would hate to call this as a review of this great book. The reason for writing I guess is my way of sayRead more...
Best thing one can get
Reviewed Canon ELPH 2
I have been using the US version of the camera called the Canon S400 ELPH for quite sometime now. After I bought 4 other people in my group bought and none haRead more...
Fair Car
Reviewed Hyundai Getz
After travelling back to India I have been thinking of upgrading our fathers car M-800 that I currently drive. After reading about the Getz launch, I thought Read more...
Highly Recommended
Reviewed Kinetic Nova 135
Bought this vehicle for my wife after doing lot of research on the net, actual users and at the dealer. It was a close call between the Honda and Kinetic but Read more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on adnannm's review
Commented on mnc123's review
I heard from the dealer that they are also testing the Fusion 2.0 version suitability for India. Surprisingly this has not been mentioned in the media. Also the price charts dont mention it. Have you heard anything about this? I am still hopefull about this car if they correct the power issue.
Rated on mnc123's review
I just did a road test of the Fusion Plus. Loved the handling in the city traffic especially Pune style (zig zagging type!!). It definitely has to be called a CAR ;-) as far as driving feel goes. Negs:Found it to be pretty underpowered compared to the 1.6 Ikon. It will not be the ideal vehicle for s Read More...
Commented on akash_420's review
Basically agree with your posting completely. One question to you though, doesnt the Accent interest you? I am in a similar dilemma and felt that upgarding (on the budget that is!) to Accent provided the most value for money. Would be interested in knowing your thoughts.
Rated on cityhonda's review
Rated on mike24's review
Rated on rahulbhiwadi1's review
Commented on suprateem1's review
What made you go for Maruti as compared to Alto? I thought that would have been a more logical choice. Would be interested in knowing your decision thought process.
Rated on reach4venkat's review
Commented on sekharvvc's review
I have heard very mixed things about the V2 from different people. But only good things from actual owners. Also I recently took a V2 taxi from Pune to Mumbai airport and it behaved very well. I cant remember an occasion when I slept in the car. But that day I slept for an entire hour of the 2.5 Read More...
Rated on arnabchakrabarti's review
Rated on vbhor's review
Rated on just-did-it's review
Rated on cityguy78's review
Commented on cityguy78's review
Good review. I will check if I can get my hands on one as well.
Commented on Deepshikha's review
'Most Bollywood movies are whimsical and its predictability is reassuring. '
Rated on Deepshikha's review
Commented on pankajb's review
Xerox was and still is a reputed company. I am more inclined to think that this was the JV partner which might be messing things up. Of course that does not absolve Xerox of the gross mistake done to you.
Rated on pankajb's review
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