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Member Since:Nov 10, 2005
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Whirlpool Sensation elite worst washing machine
Reviewed Whirlpool Sensation EX
Four years back I bought Whilpool front-loading washing machine. It was working fine for three years. Three months back it stopped working. After my repeated Read more...
Reviewed Maruti Suzuki SX4
As per Maruti MEN ARE BACK is the main media ad. for SX4.I have dislodged that ad. by buying SX4 Zxi .I am a 55ys old OLD MAN bought SX4 Zxi 1 ½ months backRead more...
Baleno lxi
Reviewed Maruti Suzuki Baleno
Hai All I am working as a Research Scientist in Atomic Energy. I started my first car 10ys back Maruti Omni. Then after 5 ys changed my car to Wagon R. AfterRead more...
Worst decision of my life
Reviewed Stownest
PLEASE READ TILL END.. THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS.... Absolutely worthless. Opt for this service if you want to get your hard earned furnitures return to you in damaRead more...
Commented on fuhrer's review
Yes Maruti is replacing clutch for all the sx4 sold in june. In fact i had been called by the dealer to bring my SX4 for free replacement of clutch
Rated on hemanthg's review
Commented on hemanthg's review
I am using ZXi for the past 20 days and covered 550 kms. The car is VFM. It is worth waiting to get your car. No need to think of any alternate.
Rated on sri19's review
Commented on simransaighul's review
Excellent unbiased review inspite of having HC. 1st June I took delivery of my SX4 ZXi. So far excellent performance. Since I live away from city (70kms away from Chennai) my driving always in highways with very very limited drive in conjusted place. I am getting approx 15 kms/l. Madam Simran Saighu Read More...
Commented on deletedprofile's review
I too dorve Swift. and SX4 zxi. Noway compareable to Swift. Also wrong to compare swift and SX4. Simply everything is fantastic. Please read the Auto CAR magazine june issue where they rated beat than honda city in all aspects
Rated on gopinathann's review
Rated on v_vks's review
Commented on modemnoise's review
Sitting three people in the back is difficult. I found rear leg space is not at all a problem. I am 6ft height found no problem. Any information from ur known dealer regarding mileage
Commented on own review
can u mail me at dkittu@igcar.gov.in u call me at 04427482234
Good review for both good and bad. Being loyal to Maruti I have booked ZXi. Waiting for delivery next week. Any information from ur known dealer regarding mileage
Rated on modemnoise's review
Joslicx by over enthu I have written like that. Yes I do know air bags are in other models. What i want to convey was to provide in all models
Mr sprasan 76. I am very much loyal to Maruti products. Henca Hoda city Fiesta not tested. Higway driving I felt comforable. waiting period in Chennai 2-3 weeks
yes regarding Baleno not met with any accident. But felt outdated on a with drawn model. As u rightly said finicially am bit well positioned
Rated on asethi's review
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