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Member Since:Jan 29, 2003
0 MS Points
23 years old sales engineer from baroda.Apart from working having lots of hobbies including music (from jagjit singh to metalica)movies freak enjoying 'gone with the wind' to 'matrix'. I am great believer in friends and family. Never miss the chance to spend holidays with them. LIFE IS CRICKET GAME, JUST PLAYED IT. enjoying the netsurfing , reading and also waching movies.
About Me
Education: B E
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Emotional intelligence,artifice
Reviewed A.I. Artificial Intelligence Movie
‘Stenly Kubrik film, directed by Steven Spielberg’ only this punch line, get me to write the review on this movie. I missed the movie when it releRead more...
Oops! Ramu did it again ???!!!!
Reviewed Bhoot
After regularly, read the review on Bhoot, I can watch the movie on Sunday, first thank you guy for not reavilng the plot of picture.But , after a watching a Read more...
Techno-spiritual film
Reviewed Matrix Reloaded
After a 4 year , its again strike your mind, with more profound story line as well as trend setting special effect. The great thing about this movie is its sRead more...
Best of the Best of theBest
Reviewed Ten Best English Movies
Its very hard to pick 10 movies but I am taken risk on choosing the ten movies which I love most,untill now. Sixth Sense : Its my fav movie as its upon my faRead more...
Noble stratagy,how the TATA done it
Reviewed Tata Group Of Industries
TATA.... the name that every indian listening every now and then.. from tea to textile and consultancy to coconut oil. The charisma begin with not only respeRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on geeveedee's review
Commented on sainath's review
Most balanced review i ever read on MS. Nice review for nice album. The gud thing abt ARR is, his continuos imparting new thing in indian music. He s my second IDOL (with RDBurman)ahead of 20 years, from their time. And these r two men who change the course of hindi music almost single handly.Its Read More...
Rated on sainath's review
Rated on ashish_thakkar's review
Commented on satishkl's review
Bravo friend, To be a most useful review on Yuva. I seen moive after your review and I think this movie surely bust on the box office Indian ppl and normal viewers dont ready for this kinda technical stuff. The way Yuva picturised Kolkota is excellent. I really appreciate Mani to blend parralel a Read More...
Rated on sureshmehcnit's review
Commented on reavan's review
Hey , Excellent review for Excellent rehman..The tune is so popular that it's class act like mission impossible theme,Everlasting and mega popular...... Review is gr8, keep writing.
Rated on Cticize's review
Rated on teena_sri's review
Rated on coolnfundu's review
Rated on atulp's review
Rated on karana23's review
Rated on kourosh_zi's review
Rated on PROFBBMOHANTY's review
Commented on PROFBBMOHANTY's review
Economi times is really good,but as far as TOI s concern its just ad,ad,ad Sometimes they r so bias on their article ..
Commented on ruchika_sri's review
vmshut, There are always quality difference between coke we drink inindia and that of in western countries.You r right, such company without adding much technology or human resourses , sweeping lots of profit , we have to kick the b@#t..
Commented on rajendra's review
You r right, such company without adding any technology or human resourses , sweeping lots of profit and still they dont delivered quality that they provide in western countries, surely, we have to kick the b@#t.
Rated on rajendra's review
Rated on nik3's review
Rated on nhmerchant's review
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