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Member Since:Feb 26, 2003
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Education: MBA
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Cheaters, overcharged on popcorn
Reviewed CinemaStar - Majhiwada - Thane
The rates for snacks at Cinema Star are sky high, like the rest of the movie theaters. I asked for 2 large popcorn, one regular salted, and one caramel-cheeseRead more...
Shock & Horror at Flipkart's service
Reviewed Flipkart
Trusting Flipkart to be one of the best and most trusted online sellers, I placed on order for this product (http://www.flipkart.com/giorgio-armani-acqua-di-Read more...
Florista.in, convenient way to order bouquets
Reviewed Florista
I have ordered bouquets from Florista 2 times so far. It is a blessing in disguise for times when you are away from your loved ones but would still like to seRead more...
Amazing deal on Yatra.com!!
Reviewed Yatra
Tried to do a booking through Expedia.co.in for Lemontree hotel in Goa for 3 days, 4 nights. Got a deal of around Rs. 12, 300 for 3 nights. I almost did the bRead more...
Failed ticket booking [ISSUE RESOLVED]
Reviewed Goibibo
Fresh Update on the dispute: ==================== Goibibo representative Sumant Bhardwaj called me today with an update. He said that he had spoken with theRead more...
SX4 First Impressions!
Reviewed Maruti Suzuki SX4
The first thought that comes to my mind about the SX4 is that it is Value for Money. Which other automobile manufacturer provides you with so many features foRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on dasubrato's review
dude, if you find so many faults in this car, why the heck are you interested in it??? Go for one of so many other models out there... like City, Verna, Optra etc...
Rated on ranjithkumar1987's review
Commented on ranjithkumar1987's review
Dude, first learn how to write proper English, before attempting a review...
Rated on pramad's review
Commented on pramad's review
No much info on car... more focus on discounts !!! Review should be focused on the car...
Commented on nagaraj127's review
Why don't you review some real products, rather than this honeymoon crap?
Commented on shako3008's review
Hey arnabdas, you seem to jealous of the SX4. I am guessing you own a Honda City or a Ford Fiesta and are not able to digest the fact that for a lesser price, the SX4 offers much more features than the City or the Fiesta...
Rated on voice_real's review
Commented on voice_real's review
It seems you are just indulging in Maruti bashing... And why the hell did you take 4 test drives, when you don't like the car ?!?!? Lately, people from other camps (Honda, Ford) have been talking a lot of crap about Maruti, probably because they are jealous of the features offered by maruti for such Read More...
Rated on Sonia_Batra's review
Commented on Sonia_Batra's review
Reviewer is blindly biased towards a particular brand (honda, maybe), and therefore thrashing the SX4. Also, from the review, I am getting a strong feeling that the reviewer has not based review on actual test-drive or ownership of the vehicle. She has based on review on what she has heard or her op Read More...
Commented on own review
Response to 'mauth's query: While releasing clutch, if you do not accelerate enough, any and every car will knock because of the simple reason that the engine is not getting enough fuel! Also, the clutch of SX4 has very little throw, that is, you need to release it just a little to engage the Read More...
To Blackspawner, Dude, relax... my review about SX4 is just my personal opinion... you may have your own opinion... i have no issues with that. You don't need to feel insulted. Take it cool !!!
Integrated music system now also ships with the VXi model. Confirmed the same with Sai Service and Vitesse (Maruti Dealers in Mumbai). If you happen to see an SX4 VXi passing by, just peep in and have a look :) As regards printed antenna, not too sure. I am guessing that along with integrated s Read More...
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