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Member Since:Jun 26, 2004
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Education: STUDENT
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12 best bikes...powerfull
Reviewed Twenty Best Bikes
Altough Im very young to write reviews.Ive been riding bikes since 9 years now.& have owned abt a dozen of a bikes.including the CD-100.the thing Read more...
Maintaining a motorbike_1
Reviewed Maintaining a Bike
Hello, Now Id like to mention ways in which u can maintain your motorbike.(Cars suck).hehehe. If u ride your bike only as a commuter .this review is pRead more...
Lasering through everything else....
Reviewed Kinetic GF170 Laser
Hello., I have a yellow black LASER. It is a wonder bike!. One thing that attracted me was its hot body. Laser is one of the best bikes in INDIA. And fRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Commented on manumohan_in's review
u r the only one who says that style is a pros in UNICORN properties
Rated on anoopcm33's review
Commented on anoopcm33's review
' The alloy wheels and short handle, and smaller wheel base gives higher comfort ride, more mileage, clearly marvellous.' since the dia of the alloy wheels are lower compared to the dia of the normal pulsars...the newer bikes deliver lower mileage(cause more revolutions is needed for the same dist Read More...
Commented on own review
Comet is not a indian bike....it is a KOREAN bike & is imported by KINETIC...& it is also a limited edittion bike...hence not in the list....If comet is included..the next will be the AQUILA ...another bike frm KOREA(HYOSUNG)..imported by Kinetic & also was in limited edittion version.
i know what will happen when a 2st is compared with a 4st..& still this is happening.... BTW which bike are u comparing RD 350 with?..a 4st vehicle to take a head on challenge with these monsters are yet to come to INDIA.:)
Rated on urdudesamy's review
Rated on meangreen's review
Commented on meangreen's review
by the way...u the author seem to be a guy ...who keeps spunk up by guys on faster machines than urs'. for instance u may be a gr8 political person ....u cannot be cause u r on internet....u may be a gr8 software engg...u dont know a damn abt skiing....yeah skiing..& when u go to the places Read More...
Commented on vikasrawat's review
is your vehicke servied..?? i dont get my biek serviced frm those linetic mechanics...but by my local mechanic...try this... ELECTRIC starter ..i dunno. & abt the shockers ..it can be stifened by any mechanic... & i completely agree ..WHOLE KINETIC vehicles ..come with their beam focus Read More...
oops ..sorry... FIERO is now in list.. I have rated it above Graptor ...& below CBZ.. cause i think a complete stock fiero cant match a complete stock CBZ...cause Fiero has been tuned by the TVS guys to get the max mileage..:(...
man....i didnt want to mix up 4st category bikes with 2st category bikes...hence i listed all the 4st bikes..& after that i came up with 2st bikes....i personally own a RX-135 5 speed,KINETIC GF 170 LASER,& a Bullet machismo....so i know their potentials.....& i know even the capability Read More...
Bullet belongs to differnt breed of vehicles....the are good left to be called as a VINTAGE bike....common...but its' looks & feel seems to be at the age of 1960s'......EXCEPTIONAL is ARMY bullets.:)
i started with 'basic maintainence'....lot more has to be entered...I didnt find a good review as to how to do wasy maintainence to a lame man.:)....
Commented on jaimohan's review
'Fill petrol in early morning, because, in morning the temp is cold, and petrol gets out denser, the pumping machine calculates on Volume not on Density'..i'll remember this...:)
Commented on bezil's review
nice review here....will read all your reviews.:). Atleast some techo jargons used......people here write review on their first ride that is not supposed to be considered as a review. & i give 9.5/10 for the discover DTSI. I'm not at all a BAJAJ fan....but the power to weight ratio of this sm Read More...
Rated on bezil's review
Commented on chandni.'s review
& do you have any IDEA what a age old leaky RX100 after a few mods..can do...??.. it'll be a nightmare to all the other INDIAN bikes u have specified.
WoW....the funniest review i've ever read.[:D] lemme put it this way. How can u compare a 1000+cc monster (H.D)..with a 225 bored out ..cheap plastic toy...? & after i read the UNICORN in the top list .....i actually slipped off a lil coffee i was drinking... dont take this personal ... but t Read More...
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