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Member Since:Oct 16, 2009
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Be cautious while purchasing Kohler - Bangalore
Reviewed Kohler
I purchased tonnes of materials for my apartment from a well known shop call Bath world located in Mysore road, Bangalore. A part was missing when I opened tRead more...
Dont go to SNAPDEAL for time sensitve items
Reviewed Snapdeal
I bought couple of cake vouchers from snap deal a month ago. But when I contacted the Merchant, he was not aware of any such orders and I had to contact SNAPDRead more...
No Warranty for Termite issues!
Reviewed Housefull
Hello Housefull representative, please let us know if your products are termite protected. I bought a bunk bed from Marathhalli, Bangalore and I reported terRead more...
Online purchase sucks
Reviewed Tantra T
I have been trying to reach them for more than 5 days and I am unable to do so because they do not wish to talk to customers! They do not have any phone numbeRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on own review
Kohler delivered the missing parts today. I am a happy customer again. But had to struggle for 15 days!. The price of the missing parts was 3500/-. I would have been really upset I had to purchase it. The issue is resolved.
I was surprised since I got a positive response from the dealer within minutes after posting my review. He may not have seen the message. But the problem is resolved, I am more than happy to leave a positive response.
Commented on nirvana123648's review
BTW, Dear Eureka Forbes - How will you RESOLVE fake honeywell monitors? What about other customers?
Was this issue resolved by Eureka forbes?
Commented on k_doshi's review
Are you still using the phone by any chance? If yes, how is the experience? The only reason i am thinking of this phone is dual sim (GSM + CDMA)
Rated on k_doshi's review
I have forwarded your cancelled order details and also another order #167255408 which I want to cancel it right away! Since I am not very sure of your commitments towards customer, I want to proactively cancel the order. I checked with the merchant and he confirmed that even this order is not valid! Read More...
I waited till 31st October! no one turned up from Housefull to fix the issue. Housefull is a big NO for me!
Commented on roopmala's review
What is the model number?
Rated on jmehta2010's review
Commented on hvnk's review
Agree. they are rogues. They dont even give you the reference number.. Their services sucks! VISA bill payment feature is a mess! I had to pay penalties because icici did not pay it on time.
Rated on hvnk's review
Commented on gprsad's review
You are absolutely right. Once they were known for their promptness, transparency and very good customer service. Looks like they have successfully come out of their previous image! Their purifiers require candle replacement every 6 months.. their rep insists for AMC.. if you dont take it then you Read More...
Rated on gprsad's review
Finally I have received them. T are really nice.. Suggestion to Tantra - Why don't you take few Tele lines? Incoming calls are free! Thanks,
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