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Member Since:Jun 30, 2007
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One more feather in Dish TV's crown
Reviewed Tata Sky vs Dish TV - Which is Better
Just wanted to share some information with you guys, its a good news for all DISH TV user and for all cricket fans in all over india because now they will be Read more...
Dish TV .......Its just really great !!!!!!!!!!!!
Reviewed Dish TV
Thanks for giving me a good advice for selecting a better (best) dth, would like to share some of my good experience with Dish TV. As i gone through a lots ofRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on akashwins's review
@ Akash, I agree that you have faced problem initially but its better here if you can contact to your dealer from where you have purchased it because for this he is the person, who will take care of those things.
@ akash, I agree with manish, as i have purchased one dishtv from Noida biz bazaar (GIP) for my friend and they have promised me 3 days for installation , but my installtion was done on the very next day and that too without any problem.
Commented on patparesh's review
Dear Jkvelu, I have both dishtv and tatasky, and what i have written so far is just based on my exp about both...may its not the case with every body...but for me tata sky connection is bunch of headache from the day i bought it...may be its due to fist impression is last impression...and this wa Read More...
That's right I agree with you Paresh that tata sky has gone down very much in terms of their customer service...i just say now its gone pathetic..now...
Commented on sanjaynirmalagrawa's review
Dear Sanjay, Rightly said, even after this i don't have words to say any more....even i am fed up with my tatasky....tooooooo
Rated on sanjaynirmalagrawa's review
Commented on chotaraman's review
Dear Friend, First thing, Signal problem in rain....it is due to DTH technology fault not the problem with Dishtv/tatasky...ot any other DTH. all the dth in the world will face same problem in rains and bed weather. Second about customer service....even tatasky is also the same in that...the Read More...
Commented on avalok's review
Dear Dushie, I think they are doing this because they have got their money and let the customer suffer...who cares.... because they also knows that separate entrance will not make any difference....its the pure example of worst customer service ever....and every day they are going worse and wor Read More...
Commented on aseem6's review
Infact, this is third review here i have seen about pre-purchase issue from tata sky......just a complete useless online service....and i don't have even words for their offline service as well.....ie their customer service....they are just their to give dates and dates and dates....no solution .... Read More...
Commented on javedkhan's review
That's why i have suggested dishtv in my previous review...as dishtv has lot of regional channels ...or you can say these are the pillars of dishtv...infact they really care about their regional customer by providing more regional channels..
Commented on payalsakaria's review
Hi Payalsakaria, This is the job of a dealer to replace that instrument with new one if its not working or found faulty...if he refuses to do so.......just write the mail at this email id: dishtvhelpdesk@dishtv.in i have seen a few days back this helpdeskid here on mouth shut..........and real Read More...
Hi Payalsakaria, I think there is no need to put the same article on both the sections.....what i suggst here is just register your complaint to CC against dealer.
Rated on hemalkeny's review
Commented on hemalkeny's review
Yes that right, Ialso have taken dishtv after seeing so many reviews on dishtv and tatasky and prefer dishtv....and today i can say that my decision is not wrong to have dishtv....in fact every product will have some or other short coming so as dishtv....and about customer service...you sad its bad. Read More...
Rated on karan1977's review
Commented on karan1977's review
The same thing about customer care of tatasky i have said in my previous comments ...that tatasky customer service has gone down very much....what they have earlier....but to my personal experience as i am having both dishtv and tatasky....i personally feels that customer service has really gone up Read More...
Commented on zubin87's review
Ambujk, HI Friend, its correct i have seen this helpdesk some 20-25 days back on mouthshut and i was also thinking the same but a few days back i faced a problem with my connection and i have mailed to this helpdesk id with my details and its really working (to my surprise), i have got a call Read More...
Rated on preetis's review
Rated on insane-hemant's review
Commented on insane-hemant's review
Dear Hemant, I think you are very far from the reality, 2hrs its not possible and also more surprising is that those guyz(tata sky engg) reaches before you. Also i think you have not seen or gether the complete details of dishtv and tata sky if you have really seen both the demos then might b Read More...
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