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Member Since:Oct 04, 2002
0 MS Points
A doctorate in geological sciences from IIT Kharagpur, now associated with the Aditya Birla Group in Orissa. I got married in Feb 2004 to my dream girl. Likes: Mouthshut, Elton John, Beatles and John Denver, Net surfing, Badam Milk, Greenery of nature, Chocolates. Dislikes: Chatting on the net, anyone who lies, Smoking and boozing, listening to hard metal rock, brinjals and potatoes, crowded places. Naure lover, ardent music fan, loves to collect top rated movies (a big collection), likes to meet different people and know more about the culture and tradition of others
About Me
Education: Ph.D.
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Cute 6021
Reviewed Nokia 6021
Nokia 6021 is a very cute and nice GPRS phone which has bluetooth as well as infra red connectivity facility. I surveyed the market and the internet and obvioRead more...
Nice and Handy Digicam
Reviewed Kodak CX 7430
Its been a year I went for this model after a lot of market survey spanning different models and different copany digital cameras. I had to arrive upon this 7Read more...
TIPS while roaming with cellone postpaid conectio
Reviewed BSNL CellOne / Excel Mobile Operator
I shall highlight some tips while roaming with your cellone connection outside your state. But before that I recommend the usage of Plan 325 to all aspirantsRead more...
HP 3820 Colour Printer IS GREAT
Reviewed HP Deskjet 3820
The HP Deskjet 3820 is a cute colour printer I bought for after 2 to 3 months of market survey. I am from eastern India and so the nearest place where I carriRead more...
Tata Tea - Kamaal Ki Taazgi
Reviewed Tata Tea
Well I have been an addict of this wonder drink tea for a long time and especially after I learnt that tea contains specific antioxidaRead more...
ALIBAG - A Great place to relax
Reviewed Alibag
The Reviews posted till date contain lots of info about Alibag but I feel that some more exhaustive info should be provided so that anyone wishing to visit AlRead more...
CD Writing and DVD watching in one buy
Reviewed Samsung Combo SM-332 CD-RW
The Samsung SM-332 Combo Drive is a fantastic buy for any CD Writer enthusiast. You also get to watch DVDs and the performance is just too good. All the necesRead more...
The Email Service I Love, Admire & Recommend
Reviewed RediffMail
Rediffmail - The Fastest and most dependable email service leaving all other services far behind. I was so impressed by it that I bought the REDIFFMAIL MOBILERead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Commented on PROFBBMOHANTY's review
Respects to Prof Mohanty. It was a extremely jolly review and reading it was a great delight. Perfect information for anyone proposing to get a postpaid cell one connection. regards Anindya
Rated on pradeep_cvj's review
Commented on pradeep_cvj's review
Hello pradeep it was really nice to read ur review. It was well written and quite organised. Many thanks for sharing all those vital points on MS. Cheers anindya
Commented on kspv's review
hi pavan thanks for the superb and infromative review. veryt nicely and neatly written. In fact since a long time i was unable to decide whether i should go for one. I had an idea that only jvc, sanyo,panasonic are making the receievers. BPL is on the move also, i did not knew that. thanks
Rated on kspv's review
Rated on tinakapoor's review
Commented on tinakapoor's review
hey tina grt rev...liked it very much.....i frequently keep on watching the movie whenever i feel. Well written rev...kep it up bye anindya
Commented on grewal's review
Hey grewal I am fully in agreement with you. BILB is really grt and I keep on watching it whenever i feel cos I have the CD...a DivX version ripped from a DVD. So i can only watch it on my PC. But one thing irritates me a bit is the dialogues of Jess...the way she speaks i hardly understood wh Read More...
Rated on grewal's review
Dear Prof Mohanty It was a pleasure reading ur review. I am a avid consumer of Tata Tea and at times I feel that one should not stick to one brand for a long time. One should enjoy the colours of life. So one should always try the other brands too. I am sure you must be aware of a cafe in Kolk Read More...
Rated on PROFBBMOHANTY's review
Commented on own review
Hi Spooks Yes you are right and buyers should pay heed to this point right from the very beginning. Thanks again
Rated on windsofchange's review
Commented on windsofchange's review
Hi there Welcome to MS... A nice rev although. But I have one question....Are u specifying about the Dhirubhai Ambani offer which has been advertised at every nook and corner? My friends are using the ordinary reliance connection not the Dhiru offer and they are quite satisfied. I donno abt the D Read More...
Rated on Munda_Kamaal's review
Commented on Munda_Kamaal's review
Hey man It was a grt review. I personally dont like him that much although I admit that I have seen and liked some of his earlier classic movies like deewar, sholay etc. I strongly feel that it is his voice and bit of acting talent which has pushed him to the upper ladder in stardom. or other wis Read More...
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