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Member Since:Aug 07, 2005
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Complete waste of money
Reviewed Kenstar Food Processor
Quality of materials used is good. But, the design itself is faulty. The locking mechanism is screw type. So it has to be maneuvered in the exact position, whRead more...
Woodland down the drain
Reviewed Woodland
I am an exfan of woodland shoes. I always was of the opinion that these shoes rivaled any shoes made abroad. But man, not so any longer. I bought a expensive Read more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on Itti's review
Rated on RACHITVATS1981's review
Rated on kushalkothari's review
Commented on balubalaji's review
Can hardly understand what you are trying to say. What do you mean by saying it has disadvantages single functional it is not a multifunction printer? The model is single functional...so how will it be multifunctional? do you even think before writing anything? Can the admin pls block this character Read More...
Commented on ishuu's review
Can you pls give some more details about the paper handling issue. Because I want to buy this printer and use it for printing 1000 plus pages at a time...so if that is the issue then I will get stuck with it
Rated on ishuu's review
Rated on viditKo's review
Commented on viditKo's review
I dont know how you planned yr trip. The site is not user friendly. There is no starting from selection. All trips seem to start from delhi only. I guess thats why you havent even mentioned where you went and from where you went. are you marketing for them?
Rated on Sal_h's review
Rated on madjack's review
Rated on pratik_schumi's review
Commented on northpolestar's review
I think there should be some parameters to help people submit better reviews. I dont think its their fault. Everyone isn't a writer. So maybe if we put sample reviews, then proper words can be put in proper formats, it will also help others organise their thoughts. I think thats all it needs. Cheers Read More...
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