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Member Since:Oct 14, 2008
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Gladiator: Life Rocks
Reviewed Yamaha Gladiator SS
First of all, I would like to thank mouth shut members for their reviews. I bought by Glady(Black with red) on 15 Oct in Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh and tillRead more...
Really bad school
Reviewed Elpro International School - Pune
Our experience with Elpro International School has been nothing short of disappointing. The teachers display extremely rude and unprofessional behavior, whichRead more...
Commented on charulk's review
can you show us the pic of your modified R15
Commented on sappurai25's review
Hello buddy, GS150R is also a good bike. If you can stretch your budget little more than FZ-16 is the best. If you drive it you wont feel that it is overly priced because i bought this bike on Jan 1,2009 and till date i finished 7500 kms and the comfort i get is awesome specially when i chang Read More...
Commented on Abj705's review
hello buddy, I also reside in hyderabad. Even i am facing a vibration problem at 59-63 speeds. Once i cross these speed bike is uber cool.
Commented on surajsharma123's review
As mentioned by DEATH RACER, please make meaningful statements which r true, especially for MANGESH BACHHAV. Your review is like a comic story. How can you stress an engine at 110kmph for one hour without liquid cooling, i.e., without vibration. Its big crap man. Gladiator touches up to 100kmph, Read More...
Commented on vtsays's review
All the best dude. Its a rocking life with GLADI. till date clocked 5500km
Hello dude, As death racer said u might hav got faulty bike(might be due to negligence of dealer) and still it is in run-in period. Believe me, this bike is an awesome offering in 125cc segment. No other bike comes near to it in every aspect, because i rode this bike for more than 5000km in j Read More...
Commented on Rockyrules's review
This bike is not for loosers like you... It is for those who enjoy riding..
Commented on own review
If u want to avoid number plate on the top and when u place it below the head light... it starts hitting the mud guard... then this the option...without spoiling the look of the bike... see this picture... http://rapidshare.com/files/181977006/28122008071.jpg.html
Commented on ayushFZ16's review
He.. Even i bought this bike on 1-Jan-2009 and done 130km. First thing i would like to say is this bike is not for ur sister/mom to seat at the back. The sound which u get when u pass over the bumps is because of tubeless tyres...if u have driven any tubeless car.. than u might have known it.. Read More...
Forget about fixing number plate beneath the headlamp bcoz it also affects air intake for the engine. U can use radium sticker for the number plate. Give your mail id.. i send my photo of number plate..
Commented on icoolguy's review
Nice review.. I am planing to have one.. what is the mileage of the bike..little concern due to rising fuel
Rated on icoolguy's review
Commented on sandyblover's review
Hello Guys.. Plz don't go for the engine guard..because it affects the engine performance..and over heats the engine breathing of the engine reduces.. Number plate assembly is OK..U can either have a Sticker or Number Plate of Car type which is made of fiber instead of metal..
Rated on sandyblover's review
Hi pvgeorge.. I tried number plate below headlamp when taking it from showroom and in one day i had cut marks on front mudguard.. I would really appreciate if u send me a pic on how u fixed ur number plate..
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