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Member Since:Dec 08, 2008
0 MS Points
Working as a Team Leader in a MNC. I love cricket, Formula1 & Tennis. Cricket, F1, Computer Games (Racing).
About Me
Education: M.Sc (Computers)
Food and Drinks: PizzaMovie Stars: Kareena & SameeraMovies: Heat, As Good As it Gets, Usual Suspects
Food and Drinks: Pizza
Movie Stars: Kareena & Sameera
Movies: Heat, As Good As it Gets, Usual Suspects
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Ultimate Adrenaline !!!
Reviewed Fast and Furious 4
For all the fans of "Fast & Furious" and "Vin Diesel", this is a action packed movie. It has got all the ingredients of a action packed movie about street racRead more...
Touch ReDefined
Reviewed Apple iPhone
This is my review about the Apple iPhone (2G) which I have been using for the past more than a Year. Its truly an amazing innovation in the world of touch opeRead more...
Lord of the Street !!!
Reviewed Yamaha FZ16
It has been just a few days since I got my new Fz16 (Flaming Orange) !!! Ill start of with the things which really got my attention when I saw the bike.Read more...
Worst decision of my life
Reviewed Stownest
PLEASE READ TILL END.. THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS.... Absolutely worthless. Opt for this service if you want to get your hard earned furnitures return to you in damaRead more...
Commented on bhautikjoshi's review
Well written and as a similar Beat owner, my choice for Beat was almost the same so Cheers :-)
Commented on kirankk27's review
Really sad and its true that CABS will always work out easy (compared to the hassle that u have to go thru with auto wala's). There are really good auto drivers but very very very rare to see in bangalore. Auto rickshaw's is one of the curse for bangalore u remove all the auto's from the roads, you Read More...
Rated on kirankk27's review
Commented on GoelRohit's review
This is just another piece of information for me to be in love with Honda.... ;-) Nice Review... ;-)
Rated on GoelRohit's review
Commented on Cindy's review
I wanted to watch the movie and after this review am sure to make it this weekend. ;-)
Rated on Cindy's review
Commented on giridhar81's review
That is a well written review. Think the story doesn't have much of logic, its just a blown up entertainer, nothing more than that.. ;o)
Rated on giridhar81's review
Commented on own review
Oh am really sorry to have replied so late. I didn't had access to my system yesterday. If u r getting a iPhone from US, then obviously it wont work here as it would have been locked for AT&T (legally speaking). However unlocking the iPhone is not the toughest thing if u are used to some bits and Read More...
Good luck !! Am sure its a gadget which can add loads of fun & entertainment more than just calls... !!!
Followed hermit , Cindy , bhupeshrai
Commented on bhupeshrai's article
Totally Insane.. !!! Its quite obvious that Barkha is one among whole lot of stupids who were posting live coverage. Now one wants a live coverage when the army men are risking their lives to save innocent people. She even when on to ask Sabina Saikal's husband ''How do you feel about this loss ? Read More...
~*~Media: A friend or Foe~*~
I've got some info about the mileage, which is quite good for such a massive bike. I have managed to get around 45kmpl. The bike is not all that bad beyond 60kmph and it does a descent job against the doubts of some members. May be its not zooming after 70's / 80's but its fair enough for our Indian Read More...
Commented on Boogeyman's review
Good I avoided the movie after this review. Thank God... ;-)
Rated on Boogeyman's review
Rated on tapan3010's review
Its not this machine which might be a problem, it will be true with any Yamaha. The pickup is awesome so naturally we tend to rip through the traffic, so be careful. More over this one does not have a front guard (i mean the bumper as its well known) so better be cautious. The bike itself is so good Read More...
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