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Member Since:Aug 07, 2008
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An excellent car I would not like to purchase
Reviewed Honda Jazz
This may seem to be a unusual title one would give to a review. But let me give you what I felt after I had a look and test drive of the car. This is a reviewRead more...
The right Spark
Reviewed Chevrolet Spark
It is now about a month after I bought a Spark home and I feel it is a good time I write how I feel about it. We started the process of eveluating which car tRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on fiatlineacrap's review
Commented on fiatlineacrap's review
I am confused , are you not happy with the car or the dealer ...
Commented on yogeshchandra01's review
Hi, When you are typing a message just turn the phone horizontally. This will turn the keypad into a QWERTY keypad. --Vikrant
Commented on own review
I think real test of car sales should be about 6 months from its launch when the initial euphoria of a new launch dies down and people start making buying decisions based of financial sense. FYI in June there were about 2000 Jazz sold. Real test of its value should be seen around Diwali.
Rated on yogidiwakar's review
Followed harrykid
Rated on car_freak007's review
Commented on car_freak007's review
No test drive taken and wordings are straight out of car reviews. I find this review biased towards honda. No comparison with any competition given.
Commented on d_prasanjeet's review
Please be a little more elaborate in the review. Any personal experiences with the car or dealer is welcome.
Rated on d_prasanjeet's review
Rated on pankaj1382's review
Rated on upender83's review
Commented on upender83's review
Please do not waste precious cyber space with ill written and useless review. If you are really unhappy with the product please do give details like exact issues and name of dealer .
Commented on harishpr's review
I think everybody has misconceptions about GM going bankrupt. Let me put this from my perspective. GM is one of the biggest employers in US and so if GM goes bust the national unemployement index will shoot up as high as 1-2% which I don't think will be a good mark on current government. The worst t Read More...
Commented on partywithneha's review
I agree .... The book does not make a point .... One point of time I felt as if it was written with a random pen more or less jotting down whatever comes in her mind whether related to the topic or not. I would not call it a bad read grammatically but the book editing needed a lot more commitment.
Rated on partywithneha's review
Rated on vci123's review
Commented on buggi_on_wheels's review
A good review . It would be more complete if you can add buying experience with the dealer (wait time etc) .
Rated on buggi_on_wheels's review
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