Member Since:Aug 23, 2004
0 MS Points
There is nothing special about me. I’m just another ordinary guy......errr...emm...
Aaargh!! It's so bloody suffocating.
Ladies and Gentlemen, my very existence thrives on being special and different. I’m not your average Joe. You even have the liberty to use “Extraordinary”. I would die, the moment anybody thought otherwise. Phew!!! What a relief. Now read on.
For me, the world is a big family and nobody is a stranger. Life is a party and everybody’s invited. So drop in anytime, help yourself a peg of wine, get cozy on the couch and I’m already there waiting for you. Now that it’s an ongoing party, why not talk about the party itself and share perspectives. Ah! my favourite topic. It’s very essential that you know what you’re talking about and are very clear about “why the perspective”. Because that’s the gift you’ve brought for me and you’ll be judged by it.
Yes, I can’t help being judgmental. I’ve to take a stand, no matter what. Be it people, be it life or for that matter anything. If I know something, then I’ve to say something, very political and unapologetic. Don’t you ever tell me, India is going to be a developed country by 2020, because our PM says so. Because the PM won’t be coming to your rescue, when I’ll start grilling you. So, you better be your man. No third party’s involved. And yes, avoid talking through your hat.
I was trained to design power stations and ended up as a software designer. <I>Pata nahi desh ka kya hoga.</I> Not that I’m bothered. That was only for effect. I’m as “responsible” a citizen of India as anybody else.
Talking is a 24x7 job and sleeping is a waste of time. Nothing beats the idea of sitting on the beach and talking through the night. Well, as you would’ve guessed it already, sleep can wait. The only time when it can’t, is when the exam’s calling.
I’m very uncomfortable about the liberal interpretation of <B>LOVE</B> (In the beginning stage). We so conveniently say, I love you, when we actually mean, I want to be loved by you. Fair enough. Having already stepped into the 21st century, we can’t help being materialistic. But please, spare me the “True Love” crap. What's the rush anyway? Take your time.
If Linda Goodman is to be believed, I’m an Aquarian (Uranian) to the core. It certainly has helped better my understanding of why I can’t stop saying, “Can’t we be friends?” after a break up.
I’m a God fearing person, because I want to play it safe.
In . 1) Talking Cricket and Movies
3) Music
4) Singing
3) Bollywood
4) Meeting new people and sharing ideas.
5) I’m a sucker for chocolates or for that matter, anything that’s sweet. I wish somebody told me that junk food is healthy.
<B>Note:</B> As M2M doesn't keep track of previous conversations, I would encourage you to communicate through my personal email id <B><I>kalparaj_biswal@yahoo.com</I></B>