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Tamil Nadu
Member Since:Mar 28, 2007
0 MS Points
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Telebrands Nicer Dicer not so nice
Reviewed Telebrands
Im writing this on behalf of a friend who so foolishly ordered this from the TV ad. The thing fell apart on first use and Telebrands doesnt care. Read more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on vijaypadiyar's review
Commented on AtulSaroha's review
Thanx for a decent review - does it handle the hills without problems? A Bullet is just too problematic mechanically and a little too high for my short legs - am thinking about the Avy next year when I upgrade. How are the replacement costs and CC with Bajaj? Nice to see someone actually puttin Read More...
Commented on deepakddemon's review
Right on - HH should launch a comfortable cruiser...especially with ladies getting wealthier in India they'll be wanting to travel solo in comfort. Any chance this bike can handle the Hill Stations climbs?
Commented on meanees's review
Why waste time writing this garbage - ride the bike for 5 months and then review. Create a website if you're so desperate to see your name on the net Wow, you recognize a Baseless Critic - were you looking in the mirror when you wrote that? Pity the girl stuck in bed with you for life
Rated on Bdatt8357's review
Commented on Bdatt8357's review
Oh god, what a pathetic review . . . you gave 4 bars to a hotel you couldn't get any sleep in, where disturbances were the order of the day? Why waste virtual space with a review which has to be carefully reviewed in order to get to the conclusion that this hotel is not worth the money by a long sho Read More...
Commented on praveen360's review
Are you having sex with a Suzuki dealer? Or are you just an idiot?
Commented on jyotideepta's review
You have all these criticisms/suggestions about ways to improve this bike which indicate you are not happy with it - you're not happy with the service either. Why can't you just trash the bike in the review? MouthShut is read by tons of foreigners who rely on reviews to make purchases in India. When Read More...
Commented on viku-av's review
You really couldn't write a review about a bike without insulting the women of India? And 'girls' - I guess you like them young if you still can't manage to relate to 'women'. Stick that pacifier back in your mouth and leave the real review writing to the men and women of India who know how to say s Read More...
Commented on vikas2659's review
I had a Glamour and the same problem with my back. I cut the seat down significantly - this also lowered the center of gravity of the bike by placing my 'seat' lower and I discovered much comfort after that. I know it's a pain to have to make these kind of adjustments but motorcycle companies seem h Read More...
Commented on DX_edgar's review
Wait til you try to get rid of it and can only get a half of what you paid 6 months earlier - you waste virtual space
Commented on kumarsaura's review
You should be banned from writing any further useless reviews
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