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Member Since:May 26, 2004
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Education: MBA (Finance)
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Its a Smartphone...Period
Reviewed Nokia 6680
Hi all. The last review kicked off so much dirt in terms of comments that I just could not resist jumping in with my own review! WellRead more...
Even The Maestro Falters sometimes!
Reviewed War of the Worlds
War of the Worlds, the latest outing by the maestro of sci-fi with a heart genre of movies- Spielberg is good but fails to attain the Read more...
Good Production Value...Hot Babes and Suniel
Reviewed Rakht
Tell u what- the movie has excellent production value- Shettys Popcorn and Mallya, the two producers have spent lavishly and it shows... something to beRead more...
Beware...they are Thugs!!!
Reviewed Shoppingdiatimes
How can one start writing about something like the so called great Indiatimes??? Man had I read the reviews on mouthshut a bit earlier...i could have saved myRead more...
AAAAH!! Nikal gayee naa!
Reviewed Kyun! Ho Gaya Na
First review on mouthshut...reviewing boring as hell...no script to talk of...wastage of 3 hours and several aspirins...cuz they wont help- movie. The movie Read more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Commented on criminal's review
I fully agree with the reviewer. But in our country anything goes as long as it is by yashraj- even if its a soft porn- neil n nikki. This time they managed to hype such a lengthy and absolutely boring movie like fanaa into supersuccess-dom. Well, as far as supporting pak goes...no movie can even Read More...
Rated on criminal's review
Commented on silent124's review
very well written review. Without giving non-essential details you have created a very effective case for the movie. I am going to watch it tonite and hope that it's taste will linger....
Commented on evil_c's review
Thanks a lot...ur critisisms...bear testimony to your state of mind!!!! Why dont we all give a standing ovation to the arrival of the most impartial reviewer of all times....Mr. Evil... Sorry I withdraw my earlier 'neo-post-modern' adjective...u are plain rut!!!
Commented on own review
here comes the zombiest of them all...suggesting 'how to format' this time!!!! Hey zombie why dunt u format ur 'hard-drive'...there is no risk of data-loss even.... And when this review was written zombie darling...at that point of time u were supposed to enter a few 'html-tags' in ur text to intro Read More...
Sorry evil_c, I forgot that my review was in english and hence, a few might not understand it. And dear evil..if somebody rants and keeps on ranting about something/body...I think that the reader shud get an idea that what the reviewer's views are!!! Alas! common sense is so uncommon!!!
Commented on Sensiva's review
Hi there its quite natural that u had all ur harmonal surges when Neha came on screen...but man if there wud be two ppl who deserve khudos for this great movie are Manjarekar- who dared making such a different movie with a person dubbed as non-actor in the early phase of his career- Sunil Shetty and Read More...
Rated on RAGHUBHAI's review
DEar Sir Border stands tall in the ranks of very few war-movies which actually convince you about the futility of war. Also, I would not but rate border 5 out of 5 to have the guts and gumption to give our generation the true and horrifying account of the agony and mental anguish our brave soldiers Read More...
Commented on mouthshutdotcom's review
Man if there ever was a worthless movie- Waqt has to be it!! And behold your breath- Vipul Shah succeeds where everyone else fails- He ACTUALLY made Amitabh to 'HAM'...The icon actually has turned a Hamster and in the last few minutes Akshay actually proves that he will never be able to pull off an Read More...
Commented on nitzy's review
interesting review...havent seen the movie so cant comment on the same....but Gadar wasnt a fluke...it was a well made movie, straight from the heart...and for once, actually a beautiful love story between an elderly sardar and a young muslim gurl....did i forget to mention some lilting/haunting mus Read More...
Followed smartie_123
Hi Smartie..its high time u stopped acting too smart for ur hot-pants... Plus...what I like and dislike is my prerogative...and my likes and dislikes wont change just because U FOUND SOMEBODY TO BE IDIOT...ZOMBIE...dont u get it? the joke's on you. By the way u still reserve the privilage to agree Read More...
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