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Member Since:Feb 15, 2007
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Education: PG
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NEVER trust FutureBazaar
Reviewed Futurebazaar
I heard of FutureBazaar by their big promotions through Newspaper, Television, Banners etc. There was a special offer placed by them on 26th, 27th & 28th JanuRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Rated on satishpandey.soft's review
Commented on satishpandey.soft's review
Could not find any precise information or incident which clearly outlines the goodness of this service provider.
Commented on shah.rizwan's review
You saved another 'Probable Victim' from being a 'Victim', just now.
Rated on shah.rizwan's review
Rated on samdev's review
Commented on ak11's review
You just saved me. I was just going to but a contract from them.
Rated on ak11's review
Commented on baggi's review
Right. They don't respond. Seems fake agenda!
Rated on baggi's review
Rated on PChat's review
Rated on sandeep1121's review
Rated on Mini2908's review
Followed googly4you
Rated on varunb007's review
Commented on ssarkar97's review
Two points: 1. How come Snapdeal customer serivce representatives are appearing in all these reviews @ Mouthshut and ''trying to'' (or at least showing so) help the users; but could not retain the customers before they were pi***ed off very first tme? Make your 1st line customer service better, Read More...
Rated on ssarkar97's review
Commented on googly4you's review
Thanks that you saved me & around 10 of my colleagues from falling in their traps! We were about to make some deals for weekends ahead. Let Snapdeal come up with professional attitude (if ever); will decide then...
Rated on googly4you's review
Rated on dsdalbir's review
Rated on KinKin's review
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