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Member Since:Apr 04, 2006
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Wagon r duo 2009 model - review after 3 years
Reviewed Maruti Suzuki Wagon R
It has been a great vehicle. Size, head room, when ac not on then there is hardly any different between LPG running and petrol running. Pollution very less, oRead more...
Experience with Herculues
Reviewed Hercules Automobiles and Service - Trivandrum
I bought my Wagon R from Herculues. Did my first service too here. I found it satisfactory till date. It is almost 2 months I have been dealing with them. I bRead more...
Review after 2 1/2 years of use
Reviewed Bajaj Wave
Added : 29-Feb-2012 I did a engine flush after 33000 KM. I felt the engine smooth and mileage which dropped to 40km/l as picked up to 45km/lit. For my saffiRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on vdsrecord's review
Pls let know whether you recomment BOSCH or not. I am using IFB, giving problem frequently. IFB lost it brand value.
Rated on rajeshnaik21's review
Rated on mnn00596's review
Commented on chandan_sports's review
I could see that some of the plastic parts are manufactured from dies of scooters that were out of market by other manufactures. eg. tal lamp. it is for sure from Kinetic Nova. When long time players are not able to manufacture good gearless scooters. how can we expect a new comer who has not manufa Read More...
Rated on chandan_sports's review
Commented on own review
It's almost 3 years I have being dealing with them. I found it is ok when compared to some other service centers of maruti/tata/bajaj. Mechanics keep on changing, so it is difficult to get back the previous service advisor and mechanic and explain the problem if it repeats. Some good mecha Read More...
Rated on jagadeeshkollam's review
Commented on shaji_llb's review
I totally agree to this. I had a very bad experience during my NANO service with them. They broke the tail lamp and did not replace it. I complained to tata motors and got hold of the regional sv.mgr and thru them they replaced, but charged me. Tata motors intervened and finally refunded the amount. Read More...
Rated on shaji_llb's review
Commented on dghosh2004's review
What is this MIL? Pls expand it. I think I had a similar problem.
Commented on tony_wong's review
Wagon R duo is still available but not the bue eyed version....you give back to the society somethin by not polluting...I have touched 100km in my Trivandrum -Dhanishkodi trip with full load 4 grow up, 2 kids and enough luggage....it gave me 15kmpl in gas with A/C.
Commented on deepakrn's review
deepakrn : I agree the sound of the engine is on the higher side compared to others, reason I believe is because it more exposed that other cars which is inside a closed bonnett. I agree to the space inside and also the mileage. The best part is those in the backseat also equally enjoy the ride as t Read More...
Commented on ajay_katoch's review
I had issue with my Nano delivery. PDI was not done properly. Vehicle was not clean enough. I wrote to tata motors. The dealer jumped in to resolve the issue on high priority. CPL Motors, Pathankot could be gondas not even listening to Tata.
Commented on shaileshparanjape's review
First and the updated review talks exactly i want to say. I had the ECM module indicatior lit up for no reason. I had to get it programmed from Maruti again. It took some time. I was slightly worried about it. Later it was found it was the problem with the wiring(some loose connection or so). Regard Read More...
kkartik : please go a regular pollution check to know the co2(cardon dioxide) and hc (hydro carbon). based on that do the engine tuning if required.
cvrdheeraj : As of date it is working. It is almost 3 year old now(Exide). I would recommend to go for a non maintenance battery(cost may be more, but no need to keeping toping up the acid level). Please try using the kick start in the mornings instead of self start.
Commented on pramad's review
I too have a nano(base mode) now...now it looks good, for the price paid (1.4), sound while starting and on run is definitely high; not sure whether is is because the engine is more exposed compared to other vehicles conceled inside the bonnet. Looks good/cute. Inside space...amazing. Lot of leg roo Read More...
Commented on grace601's review
I too agree to meera nair, had a very bad experience with Kulathungal, Tvm. Is there any other tata dealer in Tvm?
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