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Member Since:Aug 18, 2002
0 MS Points
Hobbies -- Travel, movies, paper-craft, cooking, etc. Fond of reading, fascinated by spirituality & astronomy. Enjoy sports, trekking, camping, skiing, rafting, rappelling, swimming, not in that order. Passionate about music, from lilting Indian melodies to classic rock & dancing. I learned Odissi, but now - anything goes. I love to travel, do a lot of photography on the way... and then write about my travails. To unwind I make small animations to amuse my kid nephew.
About Me
Education: Post Graduate
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Tranquil Tunganath
Reviewed Tungnath
In Garhwali folklore of Uttaranchal, “Every Mountain is Mahadev and every river is Ganga.” The idea being every peak and every rivulet in the Himalayas are asRead more...
It rains purple n blue in Shoja
Reviewed Shoja
Going to Himachal in June will bring onheaps of warnings ... but its as safe asDelhi in Rain, provided you avoid the cloudbursts zone and come back befoRead more...
Levi's not for women
Reviewed Levis
There is something about a pair of jeans, which cant be overshadowed by the advent of black suits, Patiala salwars, gypsy skirts and corporate attire. MRead more...
An incorrigible mystery
Reviewed Singer298SA00 Classic
Hi everybody. This is the first time Im writing a review. I learned to stich in 1986. At that time I had a singer merritt machine. I stiched loads and lRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on jayanto's review
Commented on isadimwit's article
That's a good suggestion I wish you get your money and treat your neice and also open a school for children like her. I hope your neice will get well soon too. What was that other lady's project. My god I am amazed to hear that she already has 3 and wants to adopt 10 more! that's a real hard work. I Read More...
Kya aap paachvi paas se tez hain?
Commented on Winglet's article
Not just Goa The worst thing that Goa police did was trying to cover it up. Now people have a lot of sympathy for the lady. But tell me who ensures security and safety. If you don't lock your belongings you can't avoid a theft. Similarly if you aer flirting in a bar in an inebriated state with men, Read More...
A callous mom
unwanted guests Anybody who has been to Anjuna, Palolem, Manali, Jaisalmer, Pushkar etc, will unanimously agree that a large chunk of tourists are languishing there for the easily available drugs. Last year 104 such foreigners were deported because they fudged their visa to overstay in India. The fi Read More...
pass on the info I have already passed on this article to many over the net so that if they are trying to get into paanchvi pass then they will get cautious when selected and not try to prove their intelligence. Instead try to shwo low IQ and get selected first.
No respect for knowledge It is after all a game show for dimwits. I know somebody who went to KBC. There the questions were tough so they looked for people with average IQ. But here the questions are really childish. So they are looking for people with lesser IQ. How else will they be able to make h Read More...
Rated on mukeshjarial's review
All this is a gimmick If anybody follows the music programs, you will notice that the hot favorites, usually the best singers are always lagging behind in the voting tally. Right now they are showing that Anwesha is lagging behind in the Star Chhote Ustaad program. The idea is that any sane person o Read More...
Commented on rahulvasisht's review
Hey I was just going thru the book at the world book fair. It's a gr8 show and a gr8 book. You bet there are several such clubs in India. But the problem with Indian media is that they are either showing a very wrong picture of rowdy bikers... or ones with fake attitude and put on attire and makeup. Read More...
Commented on own review
Hi Everybody... thanks that you liked my review. Mountainlover, what you have chosen as an alias can go as an adjective for me. I'm glad that you liked the write up. I try to make it a point to write from my heart and not just a tourist manual. I would be the happiest person if I could convin Read More...
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Followed pri20 , amateurabe , mbfarookh
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