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Member Since:May 07, 2006
0 MS Points
I don't take life too seriously. I like solitude, but also love the company of my friends. I am obsessed about new technology. I love to go for early morning walks (ALONE) and am an insomniac! I'm not a party person, cannot quite understand what the big deal is about dancing with no lights on, with hundred other sweaty people around ;). I love to read, am currently into biographies and non fiction. I like reading unusual books, why you ask, well I like to think. Unusual books stimulate my mind and let me think. I am not too fond of popular fiction, crime mysteries and detective stories I left behind in school, romances are like Santa(untrue) so I stay away from them. Oh I absolutely love sci-fiction. I love listening to music loud enough to wake up the dead ;) but I have not yet thought of what I would do in case they woke up ;)
About Me
Education: Post Grad.
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On time delivery
Reviewed Flipkart
I purchased a bible from Flipkart and it was delivered in record time, even though it was an imported copy. The book came in good packaging. The only downsidRead more...
Good ol' 3610
Reviewed Nokia 3610
I owned this phone for 2 years and it was a really nice handset. Sleek and easy to use, I feel in love with it, the moment the sales guy put the battery in itRead more...
Watch at your own peril!!!
Reviewed Gangster
I went to watch the movie thanks to the music, which was really appealing. Unfortunately the movie is a let down. Its a weird love triangle, weird becauRead more...
Beautifully crafted
Reviewed Gangster Songs
The music of the movie Gangster is amazing. Very few Hindi movies have an awesome track throughout the film, and luckily gangster has a fantastic music track.Read more...
Fast paced misleading piece of fiction
Reviewed The Da Vinci Code - Dan Brown
The Da Vinci Code, as the author himself states is a work of fiction. However many people have accepted it as truth. I guess not many are good at making judgmRead more...
Airtel money making at customer's expense
Reviewed Airtel Mobile Operator
I had an Airtel prepaid connection for 2 years, it was not great, but having a lot of friends, who had my number, I didnt want to switch networks. I haRead more...
Reviewed Remix
Remix is by far the most entertaining serial if you just want to sit back and relax. I like the music, and wish they would create some new songs for the seriaRead more...
Excellent piece of technology
Reviewed Nokia 6670
I have owned this phone for 10 months and it has been absolutely perfect. I always wanted a color phone with an mp3 player, and this phone has been more than Read more...
Worst decision of my life
Reviewed Stownest
PLEASE READ TILL END.. THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS.... Absolutely worthless. Opt for this service if you want to get your hard earned furnitures return to you in damaRead more...
Commented on neuronmaster's review
Maybe you should trade your car for this bike! Keep writing.
Rated on neuronmaster's review
Rated on frernas's review
Followed drharryrao
Rated on love2faiz's review
Commented on own review
Hey thanks all you guys who read my review and are kind to leave a msg.
Commented on youandme's review
You have written a very good review. I found the film a disappointing flop, and agree with the overacting bit on Shiney's part. People in the theatre were laughing when he was trying to say that he would die without his lady love. It was the stuppidist scene in the movie. A believable scene would h Read More...
Rated on youandme's review
Rated on quick_silver_brain's review
Commented on quick_silver_brain's review
Thanks for the good tip, I was very angry when I was unnecessarily billed and got tired of complaining to customer service people who gave me a standard reply. I think I will report Airtel to the consumer forum. Thanks again.
Rated on pete's review
Rated on arundhati90's review
I am not a youngster, as in I am not in college. Just because the book is popular does not mean it is a good book. Drugs are also popular, that doesn't mean they are good. The novel is one of the bestsellers because it is sensationalist, it has nothing to offer as a book worth reading.
Commented on ketantendulkar's review
Well written review. Nicely written, and unlike those who fell for every word in the book, you know your fact from fiction.
6thrat criticizing isn't bad... (@viratbondMouthShut Verified Member)
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