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Member Since:Sep 17, 2009
0 MS Points
About Me
Books: the alchemist,if cricket is my religion then sachin is a godMovie Stars: james bondMovies: saving private ryanT.V. Shows: roadies
Books: the alchemist,if cricket is my religion then sachin is a god
Movie Stars: james bond
Movies: saving private ryan
T.V. Shows: roadies
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My 1st exp with touchscreen and android ..
Reviewed Sony Ericsson Xperia X8
SE XPERIA X8 My 8 years association with java/Symbian phones came to an end, with "yet another beauty from SE, "XPERIA X8". I was a bit skeptical abt the moRead more...
KYAZOONGA,official cheating partner of World cup
Reviewed Kyazoonga
KYAZOONGA.COM the official cheating partner of World Cup cricket.* Well, I was excited to watch world cup (Sachin being my favourite player) at Chennai (IND-Read more...
Exp. once in a lifetime
Reviewed HDFC Bank Visa Credit Card
Experience once in a lifetime… Well, the story I am sharing today is an interesting one. I have been using HDFC credit card for the last 2 years. Never everRead more...
Till now my BEST phone from SE.
Reviewed Sony Ericsson Yari
After 2 months of R&D, decided to go for SE YARI, writing this review after using for 1 month. Well this a feature packed phone, u won’t regret BUYING. As faRead more...
Great product with high maintenance cost
Reviewed Sony PSP
I am not addicted to game, but I own PSP slim, the fact is that I love Sony like no other. Primarily it’s a game console but with multiple functionalities. WRead more...
Still lots of improvement needed
Reviewed State Bank Of India
I have been associated with SBI for the last 3 years. Till now my experience with this banking giant is satisfactory. Saving account is ok; the fact that anRead more...
Ngpay the beginning of m-commerce
Reviewed Ngpay
Ng pay is what we found to be the beginning of mobile commerce in India.
The product is well designed with friendly
Reviewed Dell Inspiron 1545
I was using HP DV 2000 laptop  for last 2 years.I planned to change the product because of various reasons.Lots of R&D  was made by me, finally I decided to gRead more...
My days with HDFC bank
Reviewed HDFC Bank
HDFC for me is more than a fraud organisation. I own a corporate account with this bank, as we are promised 150% commitment by their agents when we open accouRead more...
Reviewed Reliance Netconnect
Friend’s sincere request from me. Never purchase bloody reliance net connect 1x. It’s the worst connection I have ever used. Downloading speed, my god I caRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on sumantmunna's review
never pay a single penny to them.drag them to court.after few days they will start harassing u through diff modes.don't get afraid.record all calls wth customer care as a proof.follow legal route,u will win.
Rated on gnnonline's review
Commented on gnnonline's review
SE x8 can be updated to 2.2. But till now no conformation from SE. I too miss android 2.2,but can't root ,as it's less than 1 year old.
Rated on shreyanskd's review
Commented on shreyanskd's review
if u want mental peace then avoid reliance product... Nothing great as far as RELIANCE BRAND as a whole is concerned.
Commented on mikku's review
Customer care service provided by all most all telcos are below average. Airtel,BSNL,RELIANCE are the leaders in cheating and harassing customers at their will.The MNP battle has some +ve impact in improving customer care. But absence proper regulation has forced the customers to suffer. I was a Read More...
Rated on Karthik_Kota's review
Commented on Karthik_Kota's review
All most all ANDROID supported cell phones have poor battery back up. This is universally accepted.It's high time for Google to improve battery back up.
Commented on orthodoc's review
in current e-marketing scenario it's better to use CASH ON DELIVERY option. Once u complete payments,refund/exchange process is a nightmare.
Commented on sureshsn's review
if u want to waste ur time and money KYAZOONGA.COM is the perfect place... I had a terrible experience with them(can't be described in words)..
Commented on own review
Finally after more than 2 months of battle with those buggers i received refund (excluding service charges and courier charges).. Believe me they treat customers as beggars(as if we are begging for our ticket refund). They never bothered to reply to my mail,finally they were forced to reply (after Read More...
Rated on rakesh_chaks's review
Rated on tanejad's review
Commented on tanejad's review
Kyazoonga should be renamed as ''OFFICIAL CHEATING PARTNER OF ICC''. Looks like KYAZOONGA is managed by bunch of jokers . Tickets for IND-W-INDIES match not delivered till now. Their customer care (both email and phone) is dead.
Commented on milind_kolekar's review
Friend,, U should not have disclosed CVV no to anyone, even if u get a call from bank asking for the same.. No merchant has the right to ask for CVV to process the refund. Pls do chck my review regarding credit card issues..
Rated on milind_kolekar's review
Rated on huntbangalore's review
Commented on huntbangalore's review
Thanks for the informative review. I am loving my x8 for the last couple of months. Though bit expensive,,still i am a die-hard fan of SE...
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Prabhat Singh (@prabhat_krishnaMouthShut Verified Member)
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Shaikh Adnan Sami (@shaikhadnansami4MouthShut Verified Member)
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