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Member Since:Apr 18, 2007
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The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Rated on bhavein's review
Commented on hari_mouthshut's review
I definitely agree with all you guys ..!! The mileage I get on my VXI is about 13 with 100% AC in Bangalore. The quality just sucks.. Starting from the door rattles, the guage of the sheet metal and the fabrics that have been used inside etc. Then comes the question, what was I doing before buying i Read More...
Commented on adidhar's review
hi hi hi, I thaught you have gone with your SX4 to promote the things up there.. we are talking of mid level cars here and you are trying to justify about accord, embera and also about tearing your clothes.. I think you truly need more EXPOSURE as your friend has rightly suggested.. I hope you ca Read More...
Dear Mr.Adidhar, you dont find anything much happening on the Verna forum, because the car performs according to one's expectations and there is nothing to cry about !!! But is SX4 forum, people tend to beleive that they have made a very good choice and wishfully think ( thank) themselves for th Read More...
Commented on sunilmani's review
Hi Sunilmani, You've got all the things perfectly allright about SX4 !!!! Just see the bonnet or the side body lines, allmost all the new cars will have some visible dents on them.. Thanks to the sheet metak gauge used... Just for your information, see the thread on the teambhp club. Its all a Read More...
Commented on Karthik432's review
Hi like2talk, Nobody said that the SX4 is bad or whatever you've perceived.. we were only of the opinion that the quality of HYUNDAI cars is a notch higher than MUL cars . The price differential is negligible though..
Dear Adidhar, Think no further !!!!! Go & buy youself a HYUNDAI VERNA and freak out... It fits in to your budget and beleive me, you will never repent thie desicion.. Kaushal
Hi Karthik, Whatever written about SX4 is defenitely true. The doors of these cars ( SX4 & Swift ) do rattle a lot !!. I have a swift which was purchased in June 07, and even after 7-8 visits to the service centre ( MAndovi Motors ) , the problems are not sorted out. The service guys themselves Read More...
Rated on chak_de_verna's review
Commented on r.shamanth's review
I totally agree with vj_maker. The 99 model gypsy costs about 1 lakh INR depending on the condition. Some of the critical spares are not easily available and are only available with the dealers. COst of maintenance is pretty high and not easy in today's context. New vehicle... ummmm okay !!! but not Read More...
Commented on Guliano's review
I fully agree with you. They are one of the most horrible people in terms of dealerships. I too personally had this experience. Some time back when I wanted to buy a Baleno as it had good discounts, contacted Bimal, one sale sguy named Rajesh took the call and was so courteous and even askem me to g Read More...
Rated on blackspawner's review
Commented on blackspawner's review
hey ksam !!!! Maaa kasam.. from where did u come in between ?? By having too much time on your hand.. what is that you have achieved ?? I think our country is developed bcos of your hard work.. Try some other forum..
I also agree that SX4 is a good car with value for money provided it is used within the family types, but when talking about performance, there are other cars which out perform SX4 , comparing it with verna and even accent !!. In a nut shell, Maruti cars are good for first timers and if somebody swi Read More...
Followed triloknanda
Commented on shreyask's review
I fully agree with your frustation. Some of the dealers are pathetic in their response towards their customers, In fact I went through the similar process but for Mandovi. They are very much refined compared to the rest of the dealers. As far as the product is concerned, SX4 seems to be better Read More...
Rated on rahulkants's review
Rated on pstaney's review
Commented on sajitgopalan's review
Very true said about Bimal in Bangalore. The same very Rajesh told me that there was Baleno LXi to be given at very discounted price and even promised me further freebies only to find him missing form the place when visited the showroom. Other people told me that he has gone out and will return la Read More...
Rated on hsejars's review
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Abhishek2019 (@Abhishek2019MouthShut Verified Member)
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Venkatesh Iyer (@iyervenkatesh829MouthShut Verified Member)
S Saran (@trozorroMouthShut Verified Member)
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Ishant Rajput (@ishantrazz85MouthShut Verified Member)
Anas Shaikh (@anass4581MouthShut Verified Member)
Prabhat Singh (@prabhat_krishnaMouthShut Verified Member)
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Lokesh Raj (@lokeshadvocate5MouthShut Verified Member)
Alexandria Coleman (@acolem2956MouthShut Verified Member)
Shaikh Adnan Sami (@shaikhadnansami4MouthShut Verified Member)
Reviews: 11