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Member Since:Mar 04, 2009
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CITY LIMOUZINE- cheque bounced-ACT NOW
Reviewed City Limouzines
The court copy of order serves no meaning friends. Has anybody received the proxy voting forms which is supposed to be sent by the company? If the letter is Read more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Commented on rohit_k's review
Rohit If you have interpreted correctly tell me one thing, why they are now paying you right now???????????????
No optimistic view for citylimouzine should be tolerated any more. They are frauds. they were all telling lies. They have made a great asset and so many companies from the company and now they just want make a fight within us and within mean time want to clear all legal hurdle by paying the principl Read More...
Commented on realearners7's review
Commented on mhatreprasad's review
Commented on PCJAIN's review
the capital can only be from co-operative society......... in case of realcom find the lines......... Rs 775/- towards FD
the scheme also says issued subscribed paid up capital of equity share and preferential share only............. from where came the debantures??????????? How do you remember?????? just misguiding................. is there any customers who are having debantures?????????? if there are any let them Read More...
Commented on investor333's review
why in doubt . go to citylimouzine site and you will get the same. the problem is they are forcing us to accept 7 % instead 48%. But actually if they cannot pay let them declare bankrupt. atleast court will evaluate them and chance is that we will get more ( the amount they are proposing are with t Read More...
Commented on grekha's review
friends who are new to the company i.e. within 3 months should ask for complete refund as per agreement wordings and send them a registered letter immediately. And for them above 3 months should go against the present form of agreement and tell them to come with a new proposal to less but for the Read More...
Commented on amanchinmaya1234's review
The court copy of order serves no meaning friends. Has anybody received the proxy voting forms which is supposed to be sent by the company? If the letter is really meant for you they will send a postpaid envelope with proxy voting form for those who cannot attend the meeting and an authority letter Read More...
Commented on guba1975's review
Commented on HANUMAN734's review
Commented on molder78's review
The court copy of order serves no meaning friends. Has anybody received the proxy voting forms which is supposed to be sent by the company? If the letter is really meant for you they will send a postpaid envelope with proxy voting form for those who cannot attend the meeting and an authority Read More...
Commented on venkata12's review
for Maharashtra friends I just went through a site which contains the daily crime reports and daily press release of mumbai police on the internet but written on marathi. I believe if something from police department will come, it will come there. Hence requesting all marathi friends to regu Read More...
Commented on CitiReal's review
Dont sleep. u r not investors but preferential share holders.(check ur legal document if in doubt) so voting is only for creditors (lenders) and not for share holders
Commented on quickrajesh's review
Don't sleep, u r preferential share holders not creditors. The creditors are the bankers who have lended them. and their meeting is on 7th not yours.
Commented on rocky34's review
Don't sleep, u r preferential share holders not creditors. The creditors are the bankers who have lended them.
A company starts its business and for its capital requirement issues preferential shares to the individuals for time to time and gives them money as agreed upon in the memorandum of understanding from time to time. It also takes money from lenders and financial institutions as normal companies do. Read More...
Commented on kupidforte's review
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