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Member Since:Aug 21, 2006
0 MS Points
Hello to everyone! I am a typical mumbaite, born and brought up in mumbai. I love my city and just can't think of living my life anywhere else but here. I am a hardcore ROCK fan. Love to watch CRICKET, can't play though ;-) Surfing the net is what I can't live without...have many friends...and the number keeps on increasing...which means is that I love making frds...movies and choclates are my another weak points...ohhh the list is endless...so I better shutup now, so that you can get back to your work! Have a nice day! **Janet**
About Me
Education: BE
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Air Deccan....is a big NO NO
Reviewed Simplifly Deccan
Air deccan…..as the name suggests it is really a dhakkan! Lolz..I have traveled by almost all domestic airlines that have been introduced in the last 3 to 4 yRead more...
Was this the most awaited movie? naaahh
Reviewed Kabhi Alvida Na Kehna
I was waiting with anticipation for this movie, I had seen the trailors, heard pre-release gossips, seen so many pics of the movie stars involved, there was sRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Commented on shibu_2020's review
Shibu...Curve is indeed an amazing perfume....I had used it some 2 yrs back......and had loved it!
Commented on own review
mohanbabu...you really really need to GET WELL SOON! You need to wake up to this real world!
Rated on kunal22's review
This forum is to write your experiences on products which you think will benefit the general mass, and that’s exactly what I did. Air Deccan might be cheap ....but not that cheap enough that they can't afford a maintained airbus for that matter. It's not about money here.....if you noticed I did no Read More...
Commented on rajeshsoni's review
2/10 - thats what I give to your review.....no continuity....matter does not make sense......no valid reasons given......as MB07 said...review was really biased! Hope you do your homework next time before writing your next review! **Janet**
Commented on avto50's review
Hey Piyush, Nice Review.....you could have made it better by elobrating the places in much details....for ppl to visit. Nevermind......I have visited HK some years back....loved the place....girls cannot shop there as you get all clothes in mini sizes there....as chinese girls are usually sho Read More...
Commented on Vivaldi's review
Loved reading your exp during your wifey's pregnancy.....would love to see riyas snaps! **Janet**
Followed mbfarookh
Commented on sudipto33's review
You have made Istanbul sound so great...will defy visit the place once ...don't know when, but I will! Could not see the video though...would have loved to see the pictures of the place! Nice review... Keep writing... **Janet**
Commented on docta's review
I have got a lot of negative reviews on Batras from their patients themselves....Must be true! **Janet**
Commented on bijuthottathil's review
Hey that video was awesome.....enjoyed watching it! I saw it twice.
Commented on ssarang's review
I was just telling you about the fountains I experienced in Sentosa i.e. my views on it.......is it possible to compare Las vegas to Singapore??? Naahhh **Janet**
Hey, I had seen the same Musical Fountains in Sentosa Island in Singapore, and believe me the fountains out there were much better and entertaining than the one you have shown. I had enjoyed that show, hope you enjoyed this one too. **Janet**
Commented on Film_Analytic's review
Indian cinema is going no where.....I hope to catch some good movies in the coming years..... **Janet**
Commented on taurgo's review
There was a time when Pizza Hut was one of the best and ONLY popular joint in mumbai...but along the passing years it has lost its charm....it has changed from bad to worse. There are harldy any choices they give for veg pizzas and now they have introduced this new desi menu....it is really not work Read More...
Commented on vasudevbehere's review
Vasudev, I rememver reading this book back when I was in my college days...I had taken almost 2 weeks to finish it...but when the book was all read my life was all boring with nothingto do...this was because I had got so involved with this book...that the only thing I did in my free time was read Read More...
Followed hisjanu
Commented on sk_javedin's review
After so many years have I seen BSB's video...loved watching it...BSB are my all time favs.....I love almost all of their songs, and have them all stored in my ipod even today....hey but I havenot heard the song that they sang in the video before....! **Janet**
Commented on hisjanu's review
Those songs are awesome....Elton John being my personal fav ;-) You truely are a very romantic person....it shows off in your reviews. Enjoyed reading your reviews... Keep writing! --Janet
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