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Member Since:Nov 06, 2015
168 MS Points
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Gud bike to ride on withe due efficiency gud enou
Reviewed Mahindra Centuro
But only the vibration ain the bike is to much other wuse it is the best bike in this price and segment I appriciste it pick up is gud so look is very with a Read more...
Waste your data
Reviewed Freecharge
I have downloaded the app freecharge and there I found many offers from differant comp and every offer had a reward to download and registration I did the samRead more...
No growth in company
Reviewed Muthoot Fincorp Ltd (Muthoot)
After vifercation the company has degraded in the service and value of gold is redused and interest rate is increased and cheque requred for loan no part paymRead more...
Gud and well
Reviewed Apollo Pharmacy
This is a chain of medicalstores in india and most of the items asked are available and other thing is they donot sell. And schedule h drug or nrx drug withoRead more...
Service not up to the mark
Reviewed ICICI Bank
I have an account in icici kurukshetra which was opened by bank under jan dhan yojna without my concent or information one day I received the debit card and aRead more...
Uselell and hidden charges
Reviewed HDFC Bank
I opened an accout in hdfc kurukshetra in the year 2008 with the amount 10000 that was told by thier mkt feild officer. I started operating it after4 months Read more...
No replacement no satisfaction
Reviewed Snapdeal
I ordered two pair of shoes with size mentioned as but when I receuved the size marked was 8. The original size I received was 7 abd when I made the complainRead more...
Backup and hang
Reviewed Samsung Galaxy Tab 4G LTE
For this model there are different prices online. Second is the battery backup is very low though the ram is 2gb but even then it hangs alot camera is good oRead more...
Need some changes
Reviewed Tata Indica - Diesel
Tata is most renowned Indian company and leader in diesel cars but interior is not comfortable. Dashbord needs to be changed as a whole its look is like car Read more...
Be your boss
Reviewed Life Insurance Corporation Of India
This is main company of insuarance in india and working with this gives the liberty to work at time you decide for yourself can earn respective commision as iRead more...
Not for net
Reviewed Reliance Mobile Operator
I am using gsm service of reliance but when ever I try to connect to internet it is true waste of time some time it take about half an hour to down load 5mb aRead more...
Total loss
Reviewed India Infoline Ltd
I am a client of this company. Company worker purchased equities in my dmat with any permission and caused me heavy loss and above all iifl kurukshetra chageRead more...
Reviewed The History Channel
This channel is awsomec but in ancient aliens they dis respect hindu mythology and sentiments as they call hindu GOD only do s*x and say THE LORD SHIVA LORD VRead more...
Grow your capital
Reviewed Money Minar Finance Ltd
It has been four years tgat I am using their sevises and satisfied it will help you to grow your capital invested and in long run you can get good profits so Read more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on sidtaramandal's review
Commented on Gagan360's review
Gud and detailed
Rated on Gagan360's review
Commented on vkum046's review
Gud location setup
Rated on vkum046's review
Commented on reachvermarohit's review
Thanx for detail
Rated on reachvermarohit's review
Commented on emailtosanjaypokh's review
Gud to decide yourself
Commented on upendra82gmail's review
Nobody shall opt for
Rated on upendra82gmail's review
Commented on aparnachowdhry566's review
Hdfc mkt and recovery have few bad guys
Rated on mpanonymouse's review
Commented on mpanonymouse's review
Review shall rereveiw
Commented on back2manish's review
Never join even as an fresher
Rated on back2manish's review
Commented on kingputter's review
No proper hierarchy
Commented on robin923's review
Means bad attitude
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