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Member Since:May 25, 2003
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. Reading, Travelling
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Education: B.Tech (Mech)
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Zen and the art of Car Making
Reviewed Maruti Suzuki Zen - Petrol
Zen is truly a drivers car. Not that only professional drivers enjoy it, but if you enjoy driving, going places through winding roads, and negotiating sRead more...
Coral Islands in Turquoise seas
Reviewed Port Blair
Just an hours journey from Chennai or Kolkata, and you are far away from the maddening crowd, into a replica of The Garden of Eden! the wonder that is AndamanRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on b_subhashis's review
Review seems to be a way of venting a personal grievance with the school management. If the reviewers wife continued working in the same school, the review would have been totally different.
Rated on b_subhashis's review
Rated on Tejmishra's review
Commented on Tejmishra's review
You can’t be judging a hotel by just their refusal to use their facilities after you check out. Once you check out you have no right to ask for using the room, and it is same in most of the hotels. Even it is a Taj group I don’t think the situation would have been different. You have to be fair and Read More...
Commented on SmartA55_Guy's review
Nice Review! I have purchsed Ikon 1.3 (iKool Version) just a week ago. I am enjoying every moment of driving this car! Few cars can match the driving pleasure that Ikon gives, atleast in that price range.
Rated on SmartA55_Guy's review
Commented on bsnaidu24's review
'but seriously how much of an effort is it to turn of the indicator manually.' - I feel as if you have been hired by fiat and/or Concorde for writing this review.
Rated on sudheermpai's review
Commented on asrinivasa5's review
All you have said about ICICI Bank is correct. Though you have used harsh words, even I am not able to come up with any softer words to describe them. In fact, if I see anybody with ICICI bank ID, I feel like spitting on his face. Such is my angst. Very good and candid review!
Rated on asrinivasa5's review
Rated on broy1's review
Rated on astrodomine's review
Commented on rrishi's review
Nice Review. I was in two minds about my next booking, which your review has cleared. I am booking my next trip with Indigo. Thanks!
Rated on jpsaccount's review
Rated on linkinparkfan's review
Commented on psnandakumar's review
Your experience in ebay is really bad. You should have given details of the vendor, so that other readers can avoid a mistake of dealing with them.
Rated on sandeepnandy's review
Rated on 9502's review
Commented on 9502's review
Doesn't say much about the phone. Remember that a phone's main functionality is to communicate. you have not touched upon that any where in your review. And no body will design a video mode with one sec timing. Think before you write.
Rated on sajo21's review
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