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Member Since:Jul 01, 2009
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This is one of the BEST Android phones out there.
Reviewed Karbonn A9
I own this phone for last 8 months. It is easily one of the best phones in India. If you compare it feature wise..its even better than the iphone 5. I cRead more...
Ardee Mall.. Gurgaon's Purana Quila
Reviewed Ardee Mall - Sector 43 - Gurgaon
The babus in the ministry have written some adverse comments about the zoning issue related to this mall.so until that file is cleared which is god knows whenRead more...
Don't get fooled by their brochures and photos.
Reviewed Surjivan - Gurgaon
We went to Surjivan over the weekend and we were sold the story about it being the ideal getaway and promises of guests and crowd and games.and rappelling andRead more...
Cheap SUV but unsafe beyond 70 kmph. Can skid !
Reviewed Mahindra Bolero
The bolero without ABS(Anti lock braking) can be a death trap. I met with an almost serious accident with a bolero that I was driving on highway at about 90 Read more...
Ford Ikon Flair the Josh Machine ! 1Lakh km revie
Reviewed Ford Ikon Flair
I have owned a ford Ikon 1.3 since 2004 August . The car has performed really well. The mileage in city with AC has been 13 while without AC it can go upto 14Read more...
One of the worst companies to work for.
Reviewed Wipro Ltd
Wipro Infotech is one of the worst companies to work for. They treat people shabbily , have a horrible work environment and dont even use CRM or automatRead more...
Not stable company , product line not ready
Reviewed Aspire
AspireIndia.org is aspiring to be big in many areas of training and recruitment but there are problems with the way the company is running. It is not having iRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on miniallia's review
One of the worst places I have visited. Spending one night there can be a nigthmare. power cuts , dirty cottages , poor infra. Most of the picture and reviews on wesbsites are fake. don't go there.
It's a scam. Waste of money and time. Place is damp and unclean cottages.
Commented on own review
A9 is awesome. A9+ is a little less awesome but surely tell me what is other in the iPhone which you can do in the A9 ? Btw this msg is posted using karbonn A9. Lol
Rated on gopal_1567's review
Commented on gopal_1567's review
What kind of review is this ? you should write about the phone not the service center support.
Quarter results are fudged by layoffs as well as number manipulation. They don't mean much except that Wipro Infotech is making incremental profits at best. I didn't know WI published separate results so unless you have numbers what is your source ?
Commented on jhnhyde949's review
Ford mirror does not cost 7000. You can get it for Rs 300 . I don't know where people are buying Ford Parts but most parts are cheaper or at par with Maruti and other brands.
@gdouglas: Firsly the bolero skidded on a dry road. Skidding on wet road is normally due to Tyre Grip issue but skidding on dry road is mostly due to poor vehicle design . Secondly hard braking is necessary at times in emergency. Bolero losing it’s balance and going sideways due to hard braking c Read More...
If you are going to drive on highway and rarely below 70 then Bolero is not recommended. If you see the Bolero’s red mark on speedometer is around 70 kmph. so for highway use go with Scorpio with ABS or any SUV with ABS. (anti lock braking)
Commented on therajguru's review
just drive your bolero at 90 and brake hard....believe me you will regret it..
@deepak . What you are saying is partly true. When bolero is loaded as Taxi then it has lot of weight of passengers at the back...and in hills it can't be driven at high speed .The point is if Bolero is driven slowly and is loaded with passengers at the back then weight distribution is better but ot Read More...
Yes I agree that any car can skid at a certain speed or on wet roads.... but the problem with Bolero is how easily it loses balance. My bolero completely went out of control on a dry road because of deep tyre treads and heavy engine weight in front. It was most unexpected crash in that one mome Read More...
@RM1968 : That is the point. High speed for Bolero is 90 kmph which is actually not that high but because of its height and forward weight distribution Bolero is more unstable than other SUV's. This is the first time I met with such a serious accident and that too because of braking at 90 which Read More...
Correct. It is vehicle good for villages and at slow speeds. Not designed for highway driving or mountain driving because it is unstable.
@raj : Thing is that in India people are not demanding higher standards. I have even complained to Anand Mahindra and I got a call from the Regional Business Head of Mahindra and I told them what a nonsense vehicle bolero is. I am surprised no one has sued them so far for any injuries or deaths caus Read More...
@opera : I would only suggest buy the latest one and see if you can modify the suspension. Also look around for ABS (anti lock braking model ) if there is one. Ensure brakes are not too hard ..One of the problems is if you put tyres that have too deep treads. The bolero will literally stop if you Read More...
Scorpio has similar problem as bolero with body roll and bad braking . I think Scorpio with ABS ( Anti Lock Braking system) might be a better bet...but all in all I consider all 3 Mahindra SUV’s as inherently unstable and dangerous at high speeds especially when you have to suddenly change direction Read More...
Rated on sujit_123's review
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