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Member Since:Jan 31, 2004
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Its not easy to face life head on, and not find myself questioning my ability to cope with the world and its challenges. Pushing oneself is not the easiest task, and those who do so, find out only too quickly, that the harder you push at the world, the harder it will push back. It is much easier to lay down and except defeat, but since I know, nor understand such a word let me then talk about what I feel it takes to Carry on. The world is brimming with educated derelicts. The most knowledgeable man is the one who knows he has much to learn about himself and about the world around him. Wisdom comes with learning and understanding that there is still much to learn. As for myself, I've had to pick up, and dust myself off more times then I wish to count, but I have done so time and time again no matter what the situation. It's something that I feel I have to do. In many ways I believe that it has become an instinctive process for me. I would be lying if I said that I do not question myself, and whether I can cope with what has befallen me at times in my life, we all do, no one is so strong. You cannot be the best version of yourself all the time. Still, even when I'm at my lowest and questioning myself, I pick myself up. Even when my own mind, body, and soul tell me that I cannot. I think that even when I die, after the last breath of air leaves my lungs, my body will instinctively try and pick itself up, and push itself forward. It seems the more I push to better myself, the more life pushes back. Since I'm not gonna stop pushing until I achieve my life's goals, everyone just sit back and enjoy the show. Support me, boo me, either way you're adding to the fire. Lets see who wins the confidence game. Last knowned interest indulged in was shaving my head off ...hahahahaha.
About Me
Education: bhul gaya
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Ngage QD Vol 2
Reviewed Nokia N-Gage QD
I always wanted to write a review on Nokia NGAGE series handsets (NGAGE & QD) on mouthshut, part of the reason was that before buying this handset, I read allRead more...
God damn electric.
Reviewed Reinventing The Steel - Pantera
While Phil Anselmo currently doing his damn best to create the most evil album of all time titled Innocence from hell his last successRead more...
Transcending the mundane
Reviewed Abigail - King Diamond
While most Satanic rockers are blithering idiots, King Diamond proves to be a pleasant exception. Founded in 1986 after the breakup of the legendary Mercyful Read more...
Beam me up Scotty
Reviewed Bermuda Triangle - Charles Berlitz
Are the many unidentified flying objects that have been sighted in the area hijacking boats and aircraft as part of some extraterrestrial survey of human actiRead more...
Have a ''dekho''
Reviewed Nokia 2300 Cell Phone
I did not intend to write a full fledged review on Nokia latest model still due on release, Nokia 2300 but then I couldn’t resist posting the product onRead more...
TNT for the brain.
Reviewed Le Roi Est Mort, Vive Le Roi - Enigma
All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before wRead more...
Binge this sucker.
Reviewed WinMX
Still mourning the demise of free-for all file sharing programs as napster hatches its plot for world domination of the subscription music market. You might lRead more...
Burton must be weeping.
Reviewed St. Anger - Metallica
Greatness is an exaggeration, and all exaggerations of dimension it reflects necessary Corollary of emptiness. There are occasions whRead more...
Bring the boys back home
Reviewed Indian Cricket Team
Spit on your hands Take the black flag And start slitting throats -- Navjot Singh Sidhu. After the 2 nil drubbing Indian team recievRead more...
Hutch rocks in Delhi
Reviewed Vodafone Mobile Operator
I kind of follow a mantra when choosing on which network to commit into. Obviously now it all depends on which city you belong to, so going by my current placRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on nitulbarman's review
Commented on nitulbarman's review
Dude i feel sorry for all the emotional distress u must have gone through which prompted u to collate data to prove ur point. But the fact still remains, the problem is not exactly about sachin, but problem lies deep routed in the average psyche of an indian cricket fan and how he relates cricket to Read More...
Rated on Three2Line's review
Commented on Three2Line's review
Although i did not appreciate the manner in which this review was written, (abusive language) ..but i guess you wrote this review in heat of fighting stupid battles on cricket internet forums. But the truth be told and it is true Sachin is no more the class player who he once was. If he was in a Read More...
Commented on sega's review
Reading ur review makes me question some things including doubts over ur driving skills. Dio has the same activa engine and due to its fibre body is 12 kg less in weight. The light fibre body can be replaced for a low 1400 bucks. More so being fibre, it tends to absorb hits in accidental cases bette Read More...
Rated on sega's review
Commented on avm72's review
A good review on nova and frankly speaking i agree with u that buying a kinetic is always a big risk. I also own a kinetic zx yrk model but difference been it was made under kinetic tag. I have driven it around 66000 kms and it had given me handful of problems but they were taken care of, but had to Read More...
Rated on avm72's review
Commented on rustic's review
Honestly speaking, after reading your review, I had no clue how to rate it, or better, should I rate it. You wanted to raise a point, took refuge in Ak movie, almost suceeded, yeah almost. Sad, most of peeps in here wont get it and I guess you dont care as well. Rohit.
Rated on ram_cv's review
Rated on prashanth80's review
Rated on aannkit's review
Commented on aannkit's review
Everything about your review, the language, the content, the humour was utter nonsense and waste of MS space and hence a NU rating.
Rated on jayz-g's review
Rated on mbfarookh's review
Commented on pratap.sandeep's review
Excellent review. I also have this cell for almost 7 months now and it is still as amazing as it was when i first bought it, whoever says sony cells develop software and joystick probloms, that is to do with people who do not take care of their cell and subjuct it to harsh treatment. And to Mr coop6 Read More...
Rated on pratap.sandeep's review
Rated on 1012197-cdw's review
Rated on syshook's review
Rated on casanova333's review
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