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Member Since:Sep 18, 2008
0 MS Points
I am straigth forward person , will not tell you more. thanks. Computers, Softeares, Real States Play Criket
About Me
Education: BE/B.Tech
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Watch it you want to have a 3 hours time pass
Reviewed Chak De India
If you decided to time pass for 3 horus and not in any mood to specially going for watching a particular type of movie with a well defined expectations, Then Read more...
When and Why to Buy Branded one.
Reviewed Branded Vs. Assembled Computers
The main cause which is constraint while deciding what to buy, Branded PC or assembled one is money. There is a 10K difference in both for the same power and Read more...
HCL P Series Laptop shortcomings.
Reviewed HCL Laptops
My Main aim while writting this review is to let other people know the pros and cons of HCL Laptops of P-Series which I purchages since 1- year back. PositiRead more...
Worst decision of my life
Reviewed Stownest
PLEASE READ TILL END.. THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS.... Absolutely worthless. Opt for this service if you want to get your hard earned furnitures return to you in damaRead more...
Rated on vipuljain's review
Rated on conty_a's review
Rated on nilabja_sarkar's review
Commented on s_usmanpurkar's review
The Information provided as comment by Mr. sandeepmohan is really very helpfull. A great information to know that a DVD manufacturer can give 5.1 decoded sournd track or not. thanks a lot. Prem Kumar
Rated on s_usmanpurkar's review
Commented on own review
Haa haaa, I am not sure , weather you commented against my opinion or suporting me.
Commented on pooranjaiswal's review
kindly give shop name , location and state and country in your comments. This will other reader to prevent purchasing the goods from that shop too. A very helpful feature.
Rated on pooranjaiswal's review
Commented on JungleeBoy's review
Yes , Pooja and BobbyYark both are right. But remember , Branded companies have engineers and most probably scientist who continously work to have best hardware matches inorder to create a system , which we call PC. This best combination can't at all acheived by road chaap PC assembling peopl Read More...
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