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Member Since:Jan 01, 2010
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About Mobile Exchange
Reviewed Amazon
I am sharing my patheticMobile exchange experience with Amazon. I would like to share about the delivery experience, Since morning I was waiting for the deliRead more...
Flipkart is cheating their Customers
Reviewed Flipkart
Have ordered a product on 8th Oct 2019. On the Flipkart website it was mentioned Expected delivery date is Oct 11th 2019. The Product did not deliver on Oct Read more...
Never Rely On Woodlands Shoe it is pathetic.
Reviewed Woodland
I bought a formal black Leather shoe from the exclusive showroom of woodland at Marathahalli in Bangalore, about one and half years ago. I Paid Rs.2395/- fullRead more...
Never open an account with ICICI Bank India Worst
Reviewed ICICI Bank
I am holding ICICI account for past 6 years, ICICI bank internet banking is unbeliveable security, if your mobile switch off or do not have service, you neverRead more...
Never Go For Tata Indicom Connection .
Reviewed Tata Indicom Mobile Operator
Please dont do the mistake of taking any TATA Indicom Connection. India worst Mobile service provider. Net Work is Very Poor. On top of that Tata IndicRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on mohsinpeter's review
BigBillon day sales itself a big SCAM,, simply eating ppl money
Commented on anshraina81117's review
They never provide the resolution, when ever you call them they just by a day or two time. but your problem it never resolve.. at some point you should fed-up and leave it.. They are well trained on those aspects..
Rated on avazone's review
Commented on own review
Mr.Emptor, People are just running behind the brand.. I would say it is not having even basic quality... once they experience it, they come to know. Just to educate them i have posted my experience... atleast I can save other to stay out from this Worst brand. Rgds
Rated on Behanna123's review
Commented on Behanna123's review
This is not a review
Rated on anoopvijay294's review
Rated on shailehmn's review
Too Good Useful information
Rated on neville_av's review
Rated on mailtopuneetgupta's review
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Manoj Yellanki (@yellankimanojkumarMouthShut Verified Member)
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