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Uttar Pradesh
Member Since:Dec 27, 2003
0 MS Points
Am a Technical Writer, based in Pune, India. Love to talk about Life and its myriad hues. Most willing to learn from my personal experiences as well as other people's experiences. Believe in making life simple. Have opinions on many things and would like to know of what people think on them. Socializing helps... So, here I am... Photography, Graphology, Poetry - Urdu & English, Psychology, Interacting with new people,Travelling & Blogging See my blogs: http://incredibleindia.blogspot.com and http://urdu-ke-naam.blogspot.com
About Me
Education: MBA
Food and Drinks: MughlaiBooks: The Alchemist
Food and Drinks: Mughlai
Books: The Alchemist
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BLACK is Bright !!!
Reviewed Black - Bollywood
Sanjay Leela Bhansalis magnum opus - BLACK hit the theatres in February 2005. It had a powerful star cast to pull the audiences and the marketing througRead more...
AMU - A dream came true
Reviewed Aligarh Muslim University - Aligarh
Started in 1885, as Muhammadan Anglo Oriental College, by Sir Sayyad Ahmed Khan, on the model of Oxford and Cambridge, the University got its University statuRead more...
Kaun Banega Tera-pati !!!
Reviewed Mujhse Shaadi Karogi
Going by the David Dhawan trends, there are a few things which are a must in this movie as well. It has to be a comedy no 1. It has Read more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on madhuriesingh's review
You write well... I guess you must start a blog if you dont maintain one already... Have a look at my Goa trip writeup incredibleindia.blogspot.com/2006/08/my-first-crush-in-goa.html
Followed madhuriesingh
Rated on madhuriesingh's review
Rated on andysub's review
Commented on iamsonali's review
Sonali, I must say that you have a balanced understanding of Economical, Cultural and Religious affairs of our country. Your views are very practical and rational. I have found very few people who can look at macro and micro levels, simultaneously. Really, your review deserves a wider base of Read More...
Rated on iamsonali's review
Rated on ghazalas's review
Rated on kamrankhan566's review
Rated on mouthshutdotcom's review
Rated on ashay123's review
Rated on haris's review
Commented on sam1's review
It's justified to blame SAM1 for writing a biased review on AMU not because he's not an AMU alumnus but because he judged the Institution on his friend's reasons of prolonged stay at Mumbai. How can we rate an insititution without ever seeing that place and believing what any other person can say (p Read More...
Rated on Faridoon's review
Rated on sohaib_fa's review
Rated on anurag18571's review
Commented on anurag18571's review
I am sorry to say that your review isnot based on correct facts and figures. some of things you quoted were correct like a lot of students come from backwasrd areas of UP, Bihar and West Bengal and that quality of instruction is not very good at an average. You have gone your facts all wrong when y Read More...
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