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Member Since:Nov 19, 2013
0 MS Points
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CAREFUL!! Absolute fraud website
Reviewed Paytm
Be very careful at paytm.com There payment servers are not reliable and they do not return your money on failed transactions. Ive lost some money like Read more...
Fake items being sold by groupon
Reviewed Groupon
Folks, Please be very careful of the deals on groupon. Most are fake and not to be trusted.Take there 512GB pen drive by zdata for example. These pen drives aRead more...
FAKE branded Electronic items sold here
Reviewed Shopclues
This website is very dicey! They sell fake products while using real Brand Names like SONY and Samsung. Case in point: http://www.shopclues.com/sony-cp-f10lRead more...
Very poor retailer that has a long way to go
Reviewed Snapdeal
Youre probably reading this review after having seen so many sugar coated reviews about snapdeal. It really looks like at least half of them are paid reRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on vipul29's review
Rated on kartikpatel6970's review
Rated on aigandhi's review
Commented on Narayan15's review
Im having similar problems with PAYTM now. I will wait a while to see if I get my refund before writing a through review here.
Rated on Narayan15's review
Commented on own review
Once again. I wish to reiterate, this website has fakes. They are offering me lip service by sending me private mails. They know the links above point to fake products yet they pretend all is well. Check out the lip service: This is regarding your review titled FAKE branded Electronic items sold he Read More...
Commented on rch_nikhilkumar's review
I agree, they are full of fake products and fake assurances. Do not use this website.
Rated on rch_nikhilkumar's review
Rated on MayankO's review
Rated on ambika.sultania's review
As expected. They have performed their lip service and my search has gone cold turkey again.
Now that you have the order ID and the complaint ID do let me know what happened.
I was suppose to get the cashback in my credit Card by the 10th of November 2013. I am yet to get any.
Sure, here you go: Order ID - 1286606732 #3381491
Commented on ekjeet's review
They are cons indeed
Rated on ekjeet's review
Commented on arpannandy2008's review
Agreed. They are just on a lip service and dont really care to do anything about their unethical practices.
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