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Tamil Nadu
Member Since:Sep 24, 2005
0 MS Points
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Definitely a Good Buy
Reviewed Hyundai Santro Xing eRLX
Finally, I bought Hyundai Santro XG. After lot of deliberations and spending countless hours on research, I settled for this sunshine car. I had explored alRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on priyankav's review
I had faced problems with getting my HP Compaq laptop repaired too. Their opinions change with the days. Take them to consumer court and hold them accountable. you should get your laptop replaced with a new one. And the next time you decide to buy a laptop, I advise Dell. It had got an excellen Read More...
Commented on sachinbhatia123's review
I have heard about the light leakage issue on the screen of Dell Latitude series. Have you faced this issue?
Commented on prasannapati's review
Great looking laptop. And you have got it at a good price too. Enjoy the product
Commented on sukti's review
HP Pavillion's quality has gone down a lot. Compaq was good a couple of years back. After HP took over, it is following Pavillion's fate. The best mow is Dell, both in terms of product and service. And it has got a better pricing too. Try selling the product on ebay and recovering some of the cost. Read More...
Commented on mahive's review
It was a good review. And I must add that you are a good writer too.
Commented on gopinath.Erode's review
Is the warranty valid in India for laptops bought outside India?
Rated on zack's review
Rated on sujit_chitale's review
Rated on iamsundip's review
Rated on anumod's review
Commented on own review
Thanks for the info. Will check it out today whether the engine heat is still high. Secondly, yes, the dealer service has bee excellent. I just got pissed off the first day becos after spending Rs 4 lacs, I still got a defective piece. Since it was a manufacturing defect, cannot blame the dealer. An Read More...
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