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Member Since:Mar 10, 2005
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Education: MTech
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Unbelievable, but it is really Good!!
Reviewed Sify Broadband Internet Connection
Lot of reviews on Sify broadband were, ummm, to put it mildly, acerbic. When I shifted from the idiotic beam cable, it was with a lot of trepidition that I moRead more...
Had a good Experience till date, touch wood
Reviewed Kotak Mahindra Bank
6months agi, I had opened a Kotak Mahindra bank account in order to ease my trading with them. I got all the documents on time, though I havent used their ATMRead more...
Avoid Beam cable
Reviewed Beam Fiber Telecom
Www.beamcablesystems.com Beam cable provides internet service to Hyderabad which is where I am using it. For unlimited packages, the speeds are low. I used thRead more...
Reviewed ICICI Bank
We have been ICICI bank customers since 1998. It was very good in the beginning, and I recommended it to everyone till people started thinking I am being paidRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on ashishsood's review
Commented on beatlefan's review
Yeah, I guess India has a long way to go for consumer protection!! Sometimes i am tempted, but now i'll not buy on TV
Commented on misenkiser's review
It is very true that banks dont provide proper disclosures always. They actually bury it in pages and pages of legal terminology. You start reading terms like 'herewith according to section 23s(d) ref. 45(t)....blah blah' , you fall asleep. Frankly, go to a nearest moneylender -- he'll be usually fa Read More...
Rated on misenkiser's review
Rated on thirdreich's review
Commented on own review
Yeah, I am planning to go for either Tata or BSNL next month. Price seems reasonable
Rated on Nav75's review
Commented on kassamkutty's review
Please change the rating. Your rating is bringing up the average rating, dude.
Rated on vir_alok's review
Rated on vinay-goa's review
Commented on karaoke's review
The same thing happened to a freind of ours. I believe the only way to fight such fraud is to spread the word, and let people know.
Rated on karaoke's review
Rated on nmdeccanet's review
Rated on ashishmen's review
Commented on ehpravi's review
I a surprised because as NRI customers we carried HUGE balances (huge even in $$ terms), and still got bad customer service and parroted responses!!!
Rated on vkgupta12's review
Rated on pani_avnk's review
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