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Member Since:Mar 03, 2005
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Education: bsc
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Yamaha SZ-X:First 500Km review
Reviewed Yamaha SZ X
I was looking at purchasing a bike either 125/150 CC segment after selling my old reliabel splendor. Honda shine looked a good option but 3.5+ month waiting dRead more...
Murud beach - not so attractive!
Reviewed Kamats Murud Beach Resort - Ratnagiri
Last week we friends drive down from pune to murud via varadhah ghat( mahad). The road is bad in some patch but is the shortest to the place from pune. AfteRead more...
Great Car in its class..
Reviewed Fiat Palio Stile
I purchased fiat palio style 1.1 last month. This car is really price competitive as compared to wagon R & I10 which were my options besides this, but I am glRead more...
Good for its price
Reviewed LG B2070
I was having a nokia BW cell phone for long time & got it replaced for this one. The phone was priced at Rs3500. It has got excellent display 65535 & looks arRead more...
Arrogant and careless staff
Reviewed Punjab National Bank
Hi, This is my bad experience with punjab national bank,pune branch. I came back from abroad few weeks back & was with a some foreign exchanges which I needRead more...
Icici a thief
Reviewed ICICI Bank
Hallo all, Do you know that ICICI is thebest when it comes to looting the customers?!! If you open any type of savings account with icici it might be salaryRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on vix999's review
i agree, the names appear suspicious..
Commented on ashish_mahadik's review
best mulitjet engine in class...very low on maintance...strong built...
Go for Palio
Commented on sam74662's review
I am getting a milage around 40. I have ran it for 1500KM so far & done with couple of services. I am told that i need to run the bike little more to get a reasonable milage. is this true?
Commented on anibni's review
what a stupid review!!
Commented on vishak_s's review
The tata service in pune is great! Both in regards to spares & servicing aspects.
Hi, I own the same for last 6 months & enjoying every bit of it.....Good choice
Commented on sanjayps's review
Go for palio always...the milage is about 3-4 km more per liter & the driving comfirt is amazing. The service should not be issue since its taken care by tata's now. The power issue is becsuse of its weight but i dont think it would matter that much to you.
Rated on cool_breeze's review
Rated on josephptr's review
Commented on gururaj_007's review
The reaosn behind the success of swift & dezire diesel engine is that its not made by Suzuki, its a fiat engine that suzuki has purchased. Same engine is available in palio multjet diesel (at lower cost)
Rated on suryakt's review
Rated on iceman2007's review
Rated on vinivj's review
Commented on vinivj's review
No sure what was the purpose behind posting this review is..
Commented on rider_experienced's review
Hi, Dont go for either of them, go for I10 or Swift or Palio Style
Commented on sd.1978's review
Cool down mate, you seem to as fragile as your dream car....
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