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Member Since:Jun 09, 2002
0 MS Points
. I'am a 14 years old boy. I like playing pool and snooker. I also play cricket an badminton. I like watching F1 and wrestling. I am fond of music also. I love NET-SURFING, but I dont get much time on it. I love Water parks. I love eating diffrent types of foods.
About Me
Education: student
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Reviewed Top Test Innings in Indian Cricket
According to me, these are the best 5 innings of Indian cricket. 1 Kapil Dev N 175 India Vs Zimbabwe, 1983, Nevill Ground, Tunbridge Wells. 2 Ganguly S.C 14Read more...
Inqilaaaab Jindabad
Reviewed The Legend Of Bhagat Singh
The film begins with three bodies - those of Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev and Rajguru -- being surreptitiously smuggled out of a jail during the British Raj. They aRead more...
Reviewed Golf
INTRODUCTION. Golf is a cross-country game played by striking a small ball with variously shaped clubs from a series of teeing grounds into a like series of Read more...
Check - Mate
Reviewed Chess
INTRODUCTION. Chess is regarded as a game of the kings. Probably this is the oldest game. Some people are of the opinion that this game was started about 500Read more...
Reviewed Weight Lifting
Throughout the human history, man has shown a penchant for displaying his physical strength and powers. For many prehistoric tribes, the true test of manhood Read more...
Enjoy It
Reviewed Surfing
INTRODUCTION. As we all know SURFING is an exiting water sport. It thrills us if we understand it. It’s not available everywhere in INDIA; rather itRRead more...
Nice thing to watch
Reviewed Sumo Wrestling
It is a thrilling game to be watched if the competition is good, but this game is not favorable to be tried. It is not available in India so we cannot practicRead more...
Cuing up......
Reviewed Billiards
ABOUT THE GAME. BILLIARDS is a game of great sense. We can be a good player at it if we play it regularly. It’s not necessary to be a GEOMETRY BOX at tRead more...
Reviewed Badminton
ABOUT BADMINTON. BADMINTON one of the fastest racket games, originated in INDIA centuries ago, then it was called Poone. In the 1870s, some officers stRead more...
Reviewed Sachin Tendulkar
This champ was borned in Mumbai, on 24th aipril, 1973. From his early days his ambition was to be the best in the world. He has achieved that, and wow in a Read more...
Reviewed Michael Schumacher
This true champ opened his eyes to the world in Germany(Hurth-Hurmulheim) at january 3 1969.He drove his first cart race when he was just five years old. His Read more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Followed DummyCorporate
Followed ankisharma691
Rated on vinayjs's review
Commented on own review
sorry for wrong topic . I asked MS ( at mouthpad) to give me 5 top innings from indian cricket team, but they transfred my review to this topic . So please excuse me this time. Rate my review as my topic. Thanx...
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Rated on meleahk1's review
Commented on messer's review
Great Review, man Nice Start. Your rev. made my plan 100% right to visit Goa later this year. Hope you write some more Great Reviews. Luck for your next Reviews
Rated on messer's review
Commented on pankhuri_chopra's review
sweetheart u have done a good job...but did these people know that u r a bad cook!! will follow ur kind advice at my next party....na...i don't want to spoil party.....;) bye... from, Rahul.
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